Epic Premaders Can't Even Stick Around to Fight Their Own

Damn, i just met you and i can already see why other groups don’t want to play with yours.

Even IF it was true (which its not) that my team polices each other, who cares?

This is what makes us the top rated players in the game Narnia.

Where in the world are you guys top rated? Talking like you get paid to play this :joy::joy::skull:

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Premading is the highest form of PvP content. It requires the most skill. Btw, would you like to win more? We can help you if you like. No losses or your gold back.

I cant even take you serious right now, but whatever.

Im going to go enjoy the game winning or losing

This is so unnecessary Narnia. We here at AVM do what we do so pugs like you don’t have to lose. I’ll be hear when you change your mind.

Lots of people have friends in many communities and most premaders play with more than one community. A lot of drama has been caused by your leads and people have even quit the game over the actions of RR leadership

All cause of paranoia over BSG


Whoever told you it’s not true has lied to you; I can connect you with many many players who can tell you their personal experiences with this.

You know what Mizriz, i’m not going to let you to start bad-mouthing RRs team leaders over something i’m willing to bet that they didn’t even start.

I havent seen anyone else gossip toxicity between teams here on these forums except for the lot of you. So odds are, you guys are the ones who fuss over any little thing and take the game way too serious :man_shrugging:t2:

With that being said good luck to you guys on your “unbreakable win streaks”, and all your dramas.

Heck, we lost twice or three times this week and it was all fun and games.

Kudos :kissing_heart:

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Well said Narnia! Mizriz is actually a tyrant. SPM broke a 10 year Alliance because they were jealous of your imporkable leaders. I have proof.

Btw, if you ever change your mind, the offer stands. You don’t have to ever lose again. Trust me.

We have an addon telling us when the undesirables(Miz and SPM and BSG) pop so we can avoid them because they are mean. We don’t dodge though. We believe in fair gameplay.

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Imagine if WoW had a feature where you could just click “ignore this person” and never see them in battlegrounds again. But right now, you call it “dodge.” Now, think about being dodged by three different communities—that’s got to be tough. If that many groups are avoiding just a few players, maybe the dodgers aren’t the problem. Funny how that works in real life too.


My cat’s poop tastes gross


You should ask them about their definition of doxing and whether they are ready to redact their blatantly false accusations they threw around

Why do you assume RR is dodging us? They dodge bsg sometimes but as far as I know they’ve never dodged SPM?

You know if you ignore someone it doesn’t prevent them from playing on the opposing team and killing you. Blizzard doesn’t have a function to allow you to choose who is on the enemy team in bgs

The horde premades dodge cause they lose to us and/or they can’t back up the trash they talk

The horde premades? So that’s two dodging you. Why did you end up with two communities dodging you?

I see TK on the forums, I’ve never read trash talk from her. I’m in discord with Meso everyday and never read nor heard this trash talk.

TK is an angle. After SPM wargamed them, she said gg even after she lost because SPM cheated and she is a good sport.

TK! I’m going to blink right back into your heart girlfriend. We had a falling out due to Mizriz curse him but I think that will make our reunion all the more glorious in the end. I won’t quit you.

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Some players just cant handle a loss.

Look at Krienn for example, brags about their 100% winrate while only playing against pugs.


I accidentally upvoted this but I decided I would keep it upvoted so we can bridge the gap hear.

Our premade is the premiere pro premade of this year Narbia. We play at a very high level of gameplay and we bring a lot of peeps to PvP bro. We also help a lot of perps by capping them and getting them their bloodthirsty achieve.

Also we don’t dodge. We avoid the undesirables. We believe in fair gameplay.


More power to you. I do wish there was a proper solo queue and a flex queue though. I only got into pvp because I could slot it in during random downtimes.

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I think we all need to recognize that there’s no real ‘winning’ here. It’s all just a lot of back-and-forth, and at the end of the day, it’s mostly different interpretations of the same events.

With that said, listening to just one side can give a limited view of what’s really going on. There’s often more beneath the surface, and some of the concerns that are being raised come from experiences or patterns that might not be immediately obvious. Taking a step back to hear different perspectives could offer insights that deepen our understanding of the situation.

It’s not about changing our stance or questioning our support, but rather about making sure we’re fully informed. Hearing out multiple sides doesn’t diminish our loyalty; it just strengthens our position by allowing us to engage from a place of greater awareness.