Epic Premaders Can't Even Stick Around to Fight Their Own

This is a laugh. SPM hasn’t lost a match yet this expansion.

I’ll just take this opportunity to remind everyone that after falsely accusing SPM of cheating against Djl in a wargame you proceeded to lose to us repeatedly for a year before deciding officially to dodge us. Cause you can’t beat us

When you stack the game so hard in your favor of course you haven’t lost… you are just proving how much people like you and your “community” need to be removed from the game.


The only reason we don’t play you is your affiliation with smelly goats. You think we don’t see yall pop together? We do. And yall did go begging ppl to play that war game vs us. I may have been peeved about it then, and I apologized for being heated about it. Still happened though.

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Yikes, what gave you the impression that your delusion matters to me?

There’s no fact based discussion to be had when engaging you.

Btw, this is what NOT hiding looks like. I change toons and it’s still obviously me.

Clearly you’re more evolved than us…

I hate to break it to ya but nobody was hunting you last night… we just queue and cowards just dodge… its the way of the world. Sometimes we get matched up and sometimes we don’t… (kudos to the DJL group that didn’t scurry away even though they were vastly outnumbered though, especially that dragon healer dude).


That’s what we were told from the alliance we are friends with. It didn’t alter what we did all night. That dragon is Foo. And he’s all kinds of awesome.


yea that was him!

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We have exactly two goats that play with us. And at the time of your deciding to permadodge us it was only one. Gears the warlock.

You’re trying to claim you only dodge us cause just that one warlock started playing with us?

Get real. It’s cause you. can’t. beat us


I heard that guy is a spy…

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The paranoia in this thread is really good.


Even better the psychologist/psychiatrist/detective forum experts as well agreed.

I don’t know why pre-made groups haven’t been addressed by Ion yet. We need the days of Ghostcrawler, so he can nerf them into the ground.

I guess it would kill the PvP community even more. Why not go slay some dragons?

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Being alliance means we sometimes pop with BSG. That includes ALL alliance premades (including your alliance friends).

Happens. Doesn’t mean we sync with them.
We will play no matter who is on our side / other side.

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It would not surprise me if a couple of them partake in that sort of behaviour.

Just like the joke on reddit about Classic BG changes, it happened only once the devs got the reps they wanted

Yeah and krienn is a secret goat!

Na it would revive real pvp.

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Oh… thats probably where the “smelly” bit comes from… that makes sense

Didn’t see that tbh. I gave them all /salute with respect because it is admirable there are people who take pops amongst your ranks. This is not just for you , but avm as well , why will you take pops against bsg if they only have like 1 group or very few ? I’ve seen how giddy everyone gets hunting plm for example , I used too as well lol


yea, you wouldn’t believe the corpse humping and emoting these “elevated” communities partake in when they kill some of our people… but its all part of the game so we don’t complain about it (much?)


Considering he was deleting responses on his YouTube this is the best place to tell people the truth

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