Level tailoring, sell bags, get mount
People who use layering to farm devilsaurs are b!tches.
I’m glad somebody else sees this. Don’t try to pull the wool off of Zipster’s eyes, though…
You’re overblown hooey.
EPIC mounts aren’t 80 or 90 gold but 900 gold.
Some classes can solo farm Mara Princess for roughly 50 gold an hour, just vendoring boss drops. It’s how I plan to get my epic mount, 18 hours of farming and done. I’m sure some others have gone this route already. Do a /who on Mara sometime, see if there’s any 60’s in there. Good chance they’re farming.
Nothing like an ad hominem to conclusively prove the person making the argument has no supporting evidence to back their flimsy claim.
Layers aren’t a genuine cause of any real problems in Classic. They’re a source of forum drama and nothing more.
What crap? Where Blizzard confirms that people are exploiting it, just not as badly as some of the doomsayers would have everyone believe?
World first Classic Ragnaros kill? Only possible due to exploiting layers for leveling purposes.
Epic mounts? Probably some layer hopping involved unless a bunch of people chipped in to help him get it.
Farming rare patterns from vendors? People in my guild use layer hopping to assist with this.
So, no, there aren’t people with an entire inventory full of arcane crystals. That doesn’t mean people aren’t exploiting layers. That’s why Blizzard is putting in more constraints.
It is when you can abuse layering ;D
Some people literally play this game for 20 hours a day. It’s not layering
Can anyone confirm if the QuickLayer addon is a thing? Cause that 20 hours could be cut down to about 4 with the boost!