Epic Korrak's Revenge games this week

I have an alliance toon too… the running to Korrak is worse Ally side . But ya you can do much faster games.

I did one for the quest. We somehow made a miraculous comeback and won. I don’t honestly know how because this BG is too complicated for my simple mind.

Just out of a crappy game (it was over in 18 minutes) but for those that don’t think being an individual player in a large scale battleground with some vague understanding of where you should be and when can have an impact:


Victory sealed by just me (and I suppose the Horde that thought they could ignore me in the back) using the recall toy and casting Pain Suppression, Power Word: Barrier and a few heals on Vanndar. Horde DPS was much stronger and faster but we still won.

htt ps://m.imgur.com/bVhS DvV

Epic game… alliance fought back from a position with all their towers down to 1 down on our side and ice lord summoned by us . Must have been a pre made in their side because they fought really well . Full 2 hours . Funny because earlier in the night after we won an easy KR , I complained to Inemia that it was too easy .

Imagine giving BFA the original version of vanilla AV (1.6?) and giving classic the butchered nerfed 1.12 version.

Blizz are master trolls. Some developer is laughing his/her butt off, they must hate classic so much.

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Well isn’t Classic based on the 1.12 patch …so they would get the 1.12 AV. Makes sense .

Yes I understand but 1.12 AV is garbage and everyone knows it.

I will take your word for it … I never played classic or vanilla.

Look at your valiant defense of three towers!

I had one like this yesterday. I joined when Alliance were behind their bridge and both Dun Baldar towers capped. They eventually lost Aid Station, and Horde had gone into Vann.

Through valiant yells in raid chat to “RECALL TO BASE AND WIPE THEM ON VANN”, we actually had maybe a group of 10 that did it, recapped aid station (someone else capped Stormpike while others were hearthing) and wiped them with Vann at 15% health.

This also meant they were pushed all the way back to Iceblood Graveyard, and the game was reset.

An hour after they were wiped, the Alliance won.

That’s sounds like an awesome game.

We lost this one because we lost Stormpike GY about 1 minute too early … so most of the team rezzed at SHGY while Ice lord was in the middle of the path to Stormpike with his 10 summoners. We just ran into the full mass of alliance coming down south and they murdered us and Ice Boi :cry:.

10-12 ppl quit the game at that point and it was a slow loss from there . The horde spirit was broken .

Ally have had to deal with at least a group of 10 every match going off and killing Korrak, leaving a depleted alliance force to handle the horde. Every damn game. I don’t get it

It’s over … :cry::cry:

Gone at reset.