Epic BG premade ruining the fun

Unfortunately they have been BIG premades in the 40 mans for as long as I can remember.

Any of the premades who do it when they have no other premades to face are the worst. So the ones that play at weird, off hours - whether alliance or horde. Like, you don’t need to premade at those hours, just queue up.


If it’s just a warm-up, as in it’s not a “real” game or serious competition then it’s beneath you to treat it seriously and play like you want to win. The other players on your team don’t deserve your help. It’s your game time, so of course you’re free to do what you want but you don’t have to announce to your teammates that you’re not trying and they’re not worth your time or effort.

It does happen, yes.

Brother how are you drumming this up from my comment? Are you just insinuating I go into randoms and let everyone know I’m not trying? Lol genuinely curious now I’m invested in you

It mattered enough for you to let the forum now that you’re not trying and that’s it’s right for everyone not to try in random BGs. That they’re for “warm up and alts” and if you think otherwise you’re just a plebian. Why not just own what you believe? Blizz doesn’t care.

Like, how do you get “not trying” from warmups and grinding honor for alts? How many people are in the room with us right now? This is actually fascinating

I agree that it can be pretty difficult to take a mode that has no real reward to it aside from conquest seriously.

In other brackets there is a goal and a reason to try hard whether it’s legend or glad or now marshal/warlord but in epics there is literally nothing.

You just get better at them and have an easier and easier time just grinding infinite honor.

What is really annoying though is when 525 alts que up instead of doing them on their main and sending over the honor. That’s just laziness and honestly you would have a better experience for yourself and everyone else if you just played your geared main.


conquest and a sense of triumph or accomplishment is enough for me. Bracket play requires so much time and practice it’s like a second job. Why do elite players think there can only be one version or that everyone must be like them?

The community at large does matter if enough people quit over it. Blizz does stuff that seems like PR like they’re concerned, like when they gave free game time over the botched pre-patch release not long ago. They appear to change some things quickly like the memory fights and conquest weapons after feedback. I don’t understand why they don’t do something about synch exploiters and premades though. Maybe there are employees who play who enjoy that feature too much.