The first and the main unhealthy thing for the game is dev team that don’t care of their own game
And blizzard don’t care about pvp and premades
About the pugs maybe they quit the game but maybe not
But the only solutions to premades is to get rid of the premades
And at the end of the day premades are stronger and getting what they want that’s the pugs that have issues and problems
So why premades have to quit the game and “die” in favor of the pugs?
Not sure who is saying premades should “die.” What I am seeing is a bunch of people wanting those addons purged and premades forced to only play against other premades. People have wanted premades separated for a long, long time. The addons are new, but that uproar will die down too.
Anywho, on to the point. Pugs are the backbone of the game, financially speaking. They represent the vast majority in virtually all forms of content, including most varieties of PvP. Most of these people aren’t going to go join a PvP community - they’re just going to quit. Blizzard would be shooting themselves in the foot if they just sit back and watch this well dry up.
Premades generally dodge other premades. S’how it’s always been. Most of them want to farm pugs, not play objectives in AV for four hours. This is certainly not true of all, but I’m fully confident in saying it’s a majority. Now, bearing this in mind, what happens to PvP participation in WoW when the premade communities start falling apart because they don’t have pugs to smite anymore?
Blizzard are sitting and watching since WoD and you can’t force premades to play only against other premades because you you can’t create a flexible bg
Like raids the have
2 tank
3,4,5,6 heals
9,12,14,16 etc dps and so on
You can’t do this on bgs and most premades doesn’t have enough people at once to fill 40 man raid
Isn’t it 40 man vs 40 man?
it is, but you can queue as a solo, party, or raid, and you can queue as a low level as well. its very flexible.
Yes but it still 40 man raid
I mean flexible in the amount of players because some premades have 15 players others have 25-30 and so on
it fills the roster with other players not in the raid
But with Korrak, you can queue as a partial raid and it will fill in empty places.
Yes but the people here suggested to force the premades to play with premades so you can’t fill the empty slots with pugs
And even if you can it will be separate que like battlegrounds
Epic battleground
And 3rd button “premades battleground” or something
And if the pugs can que a bg without premades why would they que a bg with 100% premades on both sides
So you can’t really fill empty slots with pugs
Or you suggest just to let premades que as raid but 100% put them against other premades and then 90% of the bgs would be with a premade on both sides instead of on one of them so that’s doesn’t solve the issue either
It isn’t going to happen. There is no longer any incentive for Blizzard to spend money on fixing anything related to unrated battlegrounds.
People can make as many suggestions demands as they like.
Lol, seeing you on the other side always made Mornag and I go Oh NO
!!! But indeed it is ALWAYS fun! This is the reason I LOVE Pugs so much - we meet Nice people such as yourself, and sometimes people we had bad experience with earlier turn out to be a friendly one! These wonderful experiences outshine the negative ones and become the treasures of our lives.
I am grateful that Blizz provided Epic BG for us to experience these. However…
It indeed is disappointing, especially to find Kimi’s new thread got mass-reported again. Few mins ago, I angrily threw a comment up there asking for the Community Council to step in. Hope they are not just an empty shell. This lack of communication and action from Blizz is what drove me over the edge more than anything else. 
I wonder what Blizz think of us Pugs player community? It reminded me of this youtube:
h ttps://
Its good to see some youtubers & streamers start to cover this situation. Hopefully that would trigger some good changes? 
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Exploiting is against the rules just FYI.
exploit is a very general term to the que system
i mean we all “exploiting” the system to get inside the instance bg dungeon raid etc
or the premades use the system to sync
and there are no rule that force you to accept the bg proc you can dodge bgs as much as you want whenever you want and for any reason thats why the cancel button exists
and you can say that this is harmful for the people that accept like they fight 20 vs 40
and well you can just change the conditions of the proc like flexible raids before and solo rated content now just dont open a bg if less than 70 people accept the proc
and stop trying to blame the premades in cheating exploiting breaking the rules crimes and all the problems that you have in the game they just a bunch of people that want to play pvp content together
It’s not.
completely incorrect…
It’s intended purpose was not of dodging queue in order to get a large organized group in to “pug stomp”. Hence the exploiting.
No they aren’t stop with this lie. They are people that want free easy wins against pugs because they can’t win fair balanced fights.
Or faster than speed.
Louder than noise.
most of the premades can wipe 40 pugs raids with only 10 people or even less
sure it depends on the pugs and on the premade but something like this
if you notice premades they just win fights and usually they blow up the other raid in a couple of seconds there are no special tactics and stuff so the voice and organization is good but thats not the reason why pugs lose to them
and thats not because they run after a guy with a coockie
it depends on the premade but there are around 10-15 very strong people in any community and they are the core of the community
premades get their members mostly from links in the bg and if you cant win the bg pugs just wont join your community so you need something to interest the pugs
and this is that 10-15 giga players that live for premades preparing for them test some cool stuff leveling classes and specs that will give the most dps hps and so on
and of corse there are close premades that dont recruit pugs like for example pandora on eu i doubt you can say that she or any of her guys can’t win fair balanced fights
Oh stop we all know better.
if you really believe in what you say you definitely never was part of a premade and you know nothing about how are they built how they play and how much time and effort people invest to improve their performance on bgs at least the core or the premades
sure there are pugs that play just for wins or hk achievments and stuff
but usually they play 1-2 matches in a day and they affect nothing the premade will win with them or without
if you consider yourself better than them create your own 5 ppl group dont dodge premades and tell us how are you doing
People don’t exploit and ruin the game for others “just for fun” they do it because they are bad, and they need to do it in order to stroke their ego and feel like they are better than everyone else. Stop pretending these are people “just playing with friends” it’s a pathetic and sad excuse.