Epic Battleground Honor Quests Nerfed and No Longer Count Towards Essence Achievements

Come on… what’s going on?

(can find on wowhead)

What’s going on ? A vocal majority want account bound essences and Blizzard are going out of their way to make some of the worst essence grinds even more tiresome?

This is honestly pathetic.

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Punish the players who haven’t completed the Rank 3 (or hasn’t started at all) but NOT punish the people who abused of it since the start of 8.2

Great Job Blizzard

:clap: :smiley_cat:

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Luckily it’s only the best DPS essence for a lot of classes.

Wait that’s not lucky at all. BLIZZARD?!

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What abuse?

Zone into AV … oh here’s a quest for 1500 honor for collecting items off dead players and turning it in to summon Ivus. Complete quest, awarded 1500 honor. That’s all that was.

+50% honor for enlistment bonus Alliance has been getting all expansion long, if you did these quests on mercenary mode.

Taking advantage of a weekly quest already in the game is not abuse. Trying to get BotE done long before Blizzard announced it was going to make it more difficult is not abuse, if anything it was just smart.

people still do random epic battle grounds?i stopped when they added ashran and wintergrasp i cant stand them and they pop more then any others.

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Awesome, now I can start working on this on some alts and feel like I earned something when I get it. Blizzard knows how to hit us right in the feelgoodman.


Yes it’s going to feel very rewarding getting this the second time.

They are now reducing the Honor needed for the Essences, to adjust for the Honor Quests no longer counting.

Are MVPs the new CMs?

And CMs are the new salespeople talking about all the cool new features we can buy ?

Why pay people to help when others do it free? Cms are marketing teams now.

Are you somehow upset that I responded here with that link?

I saw your thread earlier today and thought that you, or anyone else who ran across this thread, would like to know about the change.

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It’s just general and their usual whining

The information is appreciated

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No, I’m upset that CMs don’t seem to do anything these days but announce new things being added to the store.

I appreciate your post. Thank you.


While at the same time nerfing the over all requirements by 40%. Yeah, they are making it WAY harder on you.

Imagine posting a day after the original post (where this change wasn’t there) and trying to be snarky about it.

Home run you got there Sacrodruid.