<Envy> a Cross Faction guild is LFM as season 2 approaches

Looking for a few more people to raid with! Come join the fun!

Offseaker, not sure if you pirated our post on accident or not, but could you kindly remove it from ours? Thank you

Ok, on this toon sign me up

Envy still has room for more members. Would like a healer or 2 for flexibility in our raid comp.

sent you a bnet request. You can also add me on discord alatrix.

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Added you on discord and I think I have your bnet request.

Still looking to add a couple more people to the roster!

If you got a spot for a windwalker monk or demo lock this guild sounds like a good fit for me. Thanks let me know

Hey Degrade! We could definitely use you :slight_smile: whichever character you prefer playing works :+1:
You can reach out to me or Brutikus
My ID is GearGoon#1954

Hope to hear from you soon!