I’m having the same issue too
I’ve been able to use the party-sync work around, but this is still not working properly.
I am still experiencing this issue as well.
I wonder how long this is going to take to fix. Clearly it seems like a pretty large issue if its been over a week now.
Third day in a row now I’ve been wanting to help the Maruuk in Forbidden Reach but have been unable to because of this.
Same issue - no envoy quests for Maruuk at Forbidden Reach. In addition, I cannot see the hunts on my map. The latter may not be associated with this bug but I thought it worth mentioning.
I just wanted to add that I also cannot select Maruuk Centaur. I think it worked literally the very first time and has never worked since.
I am having this issue and not seeing anything from Blizzard that they are working on fixing it anytime soon. It is very frustrating for this catchup system to be down for this faction as most my other factions are finally getting caught up.
Absolutely. The Maruuk Centaur faction is the one most needed by main and alts and its the one that is locked out from being selected by this bug. Very frustrating.
That timer appears to be when the next time that that emissary will have a daily quest, nothing to do with the table itself. That said, like everyone else who’s posted here, I cannot select Maruuk on a toon that has already done it but can on a toon who hasn’t selected them before.
Seems odd that this bug has been going on now for over a week and not a single blue post at least acknowledging it…
Yeah I see that now. However for some the timer(s) were stuck as well. Likely separate bug for the timer for some. Regardless, yes, the real issue is not being able to select the Maruuk Centaur reputation bonus for the day. And it never applies once its bugged.
+1 to hopefully get tagged when this gets fixed… really the only rep I need to grind on the toon I am maining atm
Same issue. Is Blizzard even going to acknowledge this is an issue. Or is it ‘working’ as intended?
I am having the same issue with Maruuk Centaur. I can select the other factions okay. But it never works for the Centaur. This is my lowest rep. So I really hope this gets fixed. I would love to take advantage of the rep increase.
This can’t keep going on unaddressed. At least acknowledge that you’re working on this.
This has been broken for me for multiple weeks now… 202 Centaur Hunting Trophies with nowhere to go. Bliz?
I’ve been having the same issue too. Was really hoping it would be fixed or at least acknowledged by the time the Darkmoon Faire came.
One more to add to the list. Has Blizz even acknowledged that we’re here?
I am also having this issue. I can choose any faction but the centaur.
Just reporting in to say that it is still broken. This must be a REALLY tough issue for blizzard developers to figure out. I wish them the best of luck! Maybe I can turn in my Centaur Hunting Trophies one day. Also just realized not everyone is affected by this and that 100% explains why there isn’t much being said about it.