<Envelop> | CE Raiding | Mythic & Heroic teams | M+ | Drama Free

Achievements, raiding, mythic plus… whatever you are into–check us out

Tired of dead guilds? Stop on by and see what’s going on

Still alive and kicking

We are still here and very active

Looking for all gamers that are into WoW

If you need a home and a place to chill, look no further

We’ll see you soon.

Good Afternoon.

Happy Friday! Come hang out :slight_smile:

Interested in playing with active people?

Mythic plus and chill

Come play with friends

Interested in joining an active community?

Have a nice night all :slight_smile:

Mythic plus, raiding, and more-- where will you make your new wow home :slight_smile:

Where can you find active players anymore? Here!

Come join your new home today!

Looks like 9.1.5 coming soon! Yay

Guild die? Tired of playing alone? Need a raid team? A home for mythic pluses?

We’re waiting for you. Yes, we’re still playing.