Arras you sperg of course there’s going to be logs, Why would there not be?

Aren’t addons gonna be based on the updated game architecture?

First r14 pally checking in

Addon’s should be so we’re kinda screwed. RIP Decursive.

World first, easy!

Lets just all hang out at goldshire for a while.

Im ready to farm my ERP set

team! Still need more priestboiz!

Being a mage and setting hearth to Feathermoon so you can swim across the water to DM. ahhh those were/will be the days.

Alliance master race confirmed.

shameless bump, that is all

Don’t you already come equipped with your ERP set - Birthday Suit!

I believe there was an addon for that

We bumpin bois

gotta bump down on friday

Bump for ret pallys

If you’re only desire in life is to play with a bunch of middle age burnout’s with job’s we don’t really like, degree’s we don’t know why we got, husband’s and wive’s who nag us way to much and a desire to consume adult beverage’s in large quantity’s we’re the guild for you.

While drinking is not required it is heavily recommended. Friends don’t let friends raid sober.

my poor freaking liver

Intoxication of other forms is also encouraged but I swear to god if I hear you vape or smoke into the mic even one time you’re getting muted for a month.

I was very rudely banned from your discord server. Very unfriendly guild.