Lol i think that was the point. 80% of the races sitting down would probablg tower gnomes.
Yes agree felguard need to be upsized
as big as some hunter pets such as hydra etc
Still not fixed?
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honestly, they should make the felguard weapon glyph a baseline thing and give us glyphs that increase/decrease the size of our felguards. or better yet, give us felguard/voidwalker size options in the barber shop
Yes, this is the one.
Just like the weapons sheathed on our backs (at least forsaken) everything apparently needs to be shrunk down… smh…
We need bigger, meaner, demons
Necroing this because I’m tired of my felguard being small still. He’s below the height of my character by a lot.
idk, I feel like I cant see crap now that I have a horde of demons as a demonologist and the hero talents.
10 char
Make it a glyph. I think Hunters have one or two that makes their pet bigger or smaller.
Alternatively, bring back Grimoire of Supremacy (in place of Immutable Hatred) and have it replace the Felguard with a Fel Lord.
Pets like felguard should be 2x the size of the player. If you look at how big they are naturally, its pathetic how small they are.
Crazy that this needs to be said still.