Enhancement - What build are you using?


I hope all of you that have been playing the pre-release are having as much fun as I have been!

I wanted to ask - what build are you all using for ENH? I don’t know if maybe it’s just me (I’m sure part of it is). To preface, most of my gear was heroic raid gear. However, in dungeons, since about hitting level 72 - I’ve noticed that I’m at the absolute bottom of the meters. Yes - I know, dungeons, non heroic/mythic, leveling, etc. But my character is now 79, and I’m being slaughtered by anything and everything level 71 and higher.

What I haven’t been able to find is a good ENH build that will also help prepare me for Mythics and what not. So, I figured I’d come here, and see what you’ve all been using. Have you noticed good success, or similar experiences to me?

Anything you have that can be helpful specifically for TWW would be greatly appreciated.


If you’re planning on M+ then Stormbringer is the current winner. The current highest DPS build I believe is Elementalist with some tweaks. You swap in Tempest strikes, drop primordial wave sub talents, and pickup ascendance and it’s sub talents. It’s all about generating as much MSW as possible to get tempest procs.

Storm is still good damage, but the optimal storm build brings in Fire Nova, sunder, primordial wave adding to button bloat, which negates a big advantage of storm. There is a storm build that completely drops lava lash, but no clue how it sims vs the other two, but I did some beta vids of it doing great damage.

Also keep in mind that as you level your damage relative to mob health decreases due to gear ilvl. At 70 you have gear that is way above the normal base stat allocation for that level and do insane damage because of it. As you level the stats get closer and closer to normal and you do less and less relative damage. When you start swapping out pieces of your DF gear is when you’re at baseline and your weakest. So what you might be feeling is that scaling. At 70 you’re a god one hitting things at 79 you’re smacking a tree with a baseball bat. If someone in your group is destroying the meters and they are lower level that is likely the cause, lower the level the more damage they will do.

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Stormbringer + Ascendence build in PvP what Saul and some of the others are running

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