Enhance Your Burning Crusade Classic Experience with the Dark Portal Pass and Deluxe Edition

We need forum adblocker now :rofl:

Yeah gimme money :dollar:


TBC classic must not be doing as well as Bobby requires. He needs a new yacht AND jet.


People talk about the forums being toxic towards the blues.

But this is a moment they deserve to get dunked on for.


I would be laughing my booty off if this wasn’t so tragic.

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Classic forums are that way ---->


I get the feeling they thought there would be more of an overlap of whales from retail trying classic


If they post this there, they will get even more Flak :rofl:

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This is exactly the kind of strategy an executive would demand as well. They have no idea about their audience and just blanket them with things we don’t care about in an attempt to pad their bottom line.


Honestly Blizzard you are taking away all the fun of mocking you by making it entirely too easy


Can’t say I disagree with that! Haha

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there is no way this was intentional…I’m calling it a misclick.


Right!? This isn’t even a retail vs classic thing lol. It’s not like they are advertising that TBC is released (which we all know). That would be one thing. They’re pushing the Deluxe Pass on people to just rake in the cash. We can all already play TBC if we wanted to. Having access to these forums means we have access to both games with our sub. Shame on you Blizz :frowning:

Yeesh, I don’t see the responses going well so far. What happened?

This ain’t it chief

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Why advertise this now?

It’s very telling they aren’t advertising tbc itself, but the paid DLC for it.


Oh, my bad for comparing Blizzard communication to Square Enix. Apparently they’re willing to talk to us to… drop ads for a re-release. XD

from Imgflip Meme Generator

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diaf lmao I’ll never buy that.

I can’t believe this was from ~11am pst, 6/14/2021
We now know FOR SURE, the only point Blizz sees in these forums is free advertising

Ads = “communication”

How the mighty have fallen.

:clown_face: :world_map:

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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