Enhance Shaman LFGuild

My guild is on the decline and I am looking for a new guild. I am 2/10 Mythic and I have a few different classes that I can play from Rogue(Assassination/Outlaw) 215ilvl, Enhancement Shaman 204ilvl, and Havoc DH 205 ilvl. Due to helping my guild I had switched my mains 4 different times I can also provide logs. I am available for raiding anytime between the hours of 7:00PM EST - 12:00PM EST. I am comfortable with playing Alliance or Horde. For anymore information feel free to post below.

That very admirable of you to switch mains to help out. Stinks that the guild didn’t hold together in the end. We do have a core spot available right now. We do not have any rogues or DPS DHs at the moment.


About Us:

We are a newly formed guild of veterans who are on the same page of wanting to bring our A-game without raiding 4+ days per week for hours and hours each night. Several of us come from bleeding edge and server firsts guilds in the past. We are currently not a CE focused guild. That all being said, despite the need to recruit, we have progressed each and every week with a new boss kill so far!

Raid Times:

Tue/Thurs 7:00-9:30 EST

Other Activities:

  • Mythic + happening basically daily
  • Off-night heroic and normal clears for mains or alts

Looking For (core mythic positions):

  • DPS: Priority to Shadow Priest, WW Monk, or Mage
  • DPS with healing offspec

What to expect:

  • Cauldrons, feasts and repairs are provided. Please help out however you can
  • A fun, safe, helpful and friendly atmosphere of like-minded and focused players
  • To learn what went wrong when things go wrong and to learn and grow from there
  • Active moderation to keep drama at bay
    *No elitism

Contact Info (btag):

  • Jonny (Jonny#1981)
  • Mezasu (Mezasu#1628)
  • Soras (Tim#16332)

[H][Mal’Ganis] 3/10H LF Heals & DPS

Hey there! - Familia - Mal’Ganis [H] - 10/10N - 3/10H (Most guildies are 4+). We are a new raiding guild (Two weeks old) looking for healers & DPS to fill the raid roster. We are leaning on the semi-hardcore side, but looking to become more serious going into the next tier if we get the right group of people together.

Raid nights are Tuesdays from 8:30pm - 11pm CST & Thursdays from 7:30pm - 10:30pm CST. The guild pushes keys all week and torgy runs.

The guild is really aiming to gear up and tune the roster for next tier by helping others find the toons they want play and push keys/alt CN runs. We are all very active, social, and live in Discord. We fell victim of coming into the tier a little late and want to provide a place for others to come hang out and get loot.

Message Ulamogg#1717 - My name is Scotty. Reach out anytime!

If you’re still looking for a guild then we would love to chat with you! 2/10M guild on area52 that raids within your times listed. I’m going to leave you a link to the usual spam below but hope to hear from you soon!


Hey there Merkiro!

I’m Ønyxsis of the Illidan guild Bloodknight Redemption

Our team raids Saturday/Monday 7:30-10:30 CT.

We’re 10/10 Heroic, scheduled to do a final full clear of Heroic for trials this weekend. Then we’ll be transitioning into Mythic progression for the remainder of the tier.

We’d love to bring you along this weekend to see if it’s a good fit!

We are on Illidan, so if you try us out and think it’s a good fit, then we discuss getting you moved over no problem (If you’re not already on Illidan).

If interested, please reply here, or reach me on Discord at Onyxsis#1442!

Hey man,

Lemme refer you to Cohortes Praetoriae

We’re raiding Heroic (9/10) right now, intent on moving to Mythic quickly. We raid W/Th 9pm to midnight CST – but we’ve also got a strong lot pushing keys and looking for more who want to join us in the dungeons. And we have a (right now) small nucleus of PVP oriented types (myself included) and trying to get more.

The guild is that right mix of chill and understanding people who are serious about improvement, advancing content, and getting good. We’re also intent on building a team that endures. This isn’t some temporary waystation for tryhards. This is a “home” for quality people. If that sounds about right to you, I hope you’ll reach out.

To give you a sense of my own story, not that long ago I was an orc. Been horde for a decade. Then I started talking to this dwarf named Sloppi. You know what I was thinking? Ally. Sargeras. Scum of the earth. Now, having run with 'em a little while, I might still call them scum of the earth. but they’d just laugh. Bunch of F’in pirates, really, for all that the guild name is some Roman honorific. I ended up transferring to the Dark Side and, well, the dark side is good.

If you have any interest, I can answer questions you might have, or I’d refer you to the aforementioned Sloppi, who does most of our recruiting and is way better at it than I am:

Contact Sloppi on:

Discord - fiikfiic#1242 (that’s four i’s)

Battlenet - fiikfiic#1815

I hope we hear from you, and good luck. There are tons of great guilds out there and I hope you find the right one for you.


come give us WINDFURY!!! or any pew pew you want to bring as we start mythic raiding.


Battletag: Drochdeo#1237
Discord: Drochdeo#6966

Repose is a Semi-hardcore raiding guild on Area-52, formed to push cutting edge with a professional attitude and casual atmosphere. We enjoy raiding with each other and joke and have fun along the way. When its pull time its go time we focus on the task at hand.

T- 8-11PM EST
W- 8-11 PM EST
Th- 8-11PM EST

3/10M (Sun-King Dies soon)

What We Expect
We are looking for raiders that are willing to put in the time into their character. IE doing research into their class, fights and come prepare to the fight every single time. We are looking for people that can accept and not get upset by criticism. It is what makes us better, and no one is perfect.

All Exceptional Players are encouraged to apply even if your class is not listed.

  • Ranged
    • Shadow Priest - W/ OS Heals
    • Warlock
    • Mage
    • Boomkin
    • Hunter
  • Melee
    • Enhance Shaman
    • Monk
    • Warrior
  • Heals
    • Disc Priest w/ OS Holy
    • Hpali
  • Tanks
    • Open - aside from Pali

To Apply: https ://www.repose-guild.com/contact-us/ (remove the space)


  • Bnet
    • Ezkeal#1824 , Dripz#1507, Birch#1969
  • Discord
    • Ezkeal#2121, Dripz#9117, Birch(Storlock)#4293

Hi, our guild Toasty Fridays (we’re on Stormrage, Alliance) is in need of an enhancement shaman. Here’s our details:


  • Raids 10 pm - 1 am EST Thurs / Fri
  • 10/10H
  • Going for mythic progression
  • Solid core & leadership of veteran raiders, semi-hardcore background


  • 200+ ilvl
  • Fully enchanted, flasks / weapon buffs / food buffs / pots for every raid
  • Know your class, know the fights

Add me at Jake#1340 to discuss joining :slight_smile:

Hey you sound like a great fit for our Mythic Prog Raid.
We raid Wed/Thurs/Sat(optional) 9-12 EST.
2/10m - Very strong core group of players. Lots of talent and experience. Multiple KSM’s and 2k+ rating pushers.

Add me on discord to talk more - Br33ze420#9584

Myself and a friend is looking to start something that’s more than just a raid team…we want to do all content together and have people on each night. Looking for more people who like to build something from the ground up. If that’s something that might interest you please feel free to reach out…DLAres#1711

Immaterium - Alliance - Stormrage is looking for a few good DPS and heals to move into mythic CN progression.

  • Balance druid w/ resto offspec
  • Outlaw rogue
  • Fire Mage
  • Disc Priest w/ shadow offspec
  • MM hunter
  • Death knight

Other dps not listed are more than welcome to reach out. We will be more than happy to see what you can bring to the table.

We raid:
Progression: Tues/Thurs 8:30-11:30 EST
Trials/alt heroic: Sunday 8:30-11:30 EST

We do keys, some of us pvp, some of us play other games together outside of WoW to break up the monotony of the grind.

Frustrating raid nights happen to everyone, and they can happen for many different reasons. We place an emphasis on teaching, learning, and gearing, as much as serious progression. It is not an easy task to balance, and sometimes tempers can run high. Communicate privately with officers in such situations so that we may adjust accordingly. It is expected that our members seek out help, accept criticism, and do their best to keep up with current raid expectations from learning fights to maximizing their play output. We all make mistakes; owning up to these and correcting them is key for each player.

I cannot put enough emphasis on this, but we are more than happy to help you, but YOU must to be willing to ask and/or accept the help that is offered. You are ultimately responsible for your performance and guild progression.

Our raid leads are open to suggestions that will help with progression.

At this time, we are not a CE guild at this time; we would like to move in that direction as time passes, but we need all raid members to be a part of this. We plan on pushing as far into mythic as we can for this tier. Your rank in the guild, whether it is GM, Officer, or Trial Member, does not exempt you from the same expectations as everyone else.

Interested? Awesome

Bnet: Clevernapkin#11948
Disc: Clevernapkin#4537

Bnet: Ravias#1370
Disc: Dronse#2301

Bnet: Craigchrist#1933
Disc: CzarChaos#0868

thanks for all the post

Friday/Saturday - Raid @ 9pm - 12am (EST) 10/10H**


Raid Nights

Friday/Saturday - Raid @ 9pm - 12am (EST) – 7PM-12AM(PST)
optional off nights


  • Solid Tank
  • Holy Pal
  • Resto Sham
  • MM Hunter
  • Fire Mage
  • Spriest

is a Horde guild on Area-52 that is a 2 raid team guild. We have a growing and active discord/community where we run M+ and more raiding on off nights! If you are looking for a fun, casual environment to better your gameplay and farm heroic on the weekends, then come apply for our weekend team! We have a boosting community where guildies can sell or boost runs!

Our weekend team is clearing heroic and looking to start mythic prog in about 1 week. Our weekend team will be a fast progging team built with members who have mythic experience but have either been in a dying raid team or similar experiences. This team understands it needs to take a step backward to go 2-3 steps forward. Just like the main team I built, we started a month ago, cleared normal/heroic and here we are 5/10M. I plan my weekend team to move just as fast if not faster since we have main alts as well as top-tier raid strategies.

Our main team is 5/10 M and is CE-focused and quickly progressing we are looking to start a 2nd mythic team. We started back In Jan 2021. Learn more about us in our discord…

Join our discord to apply https://discord.gg/Ec3Qy9Kf5S make sure when filling out the application you checkbox that you want to join the Weekend team…

6/10M add me Alüe#9972

Repose is a Semi-hardcore raiding guild on Area-52, formed to push cutting edge with a professional attitude and casual atmosphere. We enjoy raiding with each other and joke and have fun along the way. When its pull time its go time we focus on the task at hand.

T- 8-11PM EST
W- 8-11 PM EST
Th- 8-11PM EST

3/10M (Sun-King Dies soon)

What We Expect
We are looking for raiders that are willing to put in the time into their character. IE doing research into their class, fights and come prepare to the fight every single time. We are looking for people that can accept and not get upset by criticism. It is what makes us better, and no one is perfect.

All Exceptional Players are encouraged to apply even if your class is not listed.

  • Ranged
    • Shadow Priest - W/ OS Heals
    • Warlock
    • Mage
    • Boomkin
    • Hunter
  • Melee
    • Enhance Shaman
    • Monk
    • Warrior
  • Heals
    • Disc Priest w/ OS Holy
    • Hpali
  • Tanks
    • Open - aside from Pali

To Apply: https ://www.repose-guild.com/contact-us/ (remove the space)


  • Bnet
    • Ezkeal#1824 , Dripz#1507, Birch#1969
  • Discord
    • Ezkeal#2121, Dripz#9117, Birch(Storlock)#4293