Enhance love

Why don’t we think Enhance ever gets any love? Not trolling just genuinely curious as someone who’s passionate about the spec maybe theirs some history or just pure neglect? cheers.

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Because it did in DF, and a bunch of mouth-breathing mole people cried about needing to hit more than one button and pissed their pants about “button bloat” on a spec they were playing incorrectly.


Enhance really only had 2 core problems in DF: survivability and target capped AoE. We got a new totem for increased survivability in the class tree and both hero talents feature uncapped AoE as the primary talent.

Enhancement did not need a significant rework.

Elemental was the spec that badly needed a rework and still needs a lot of work since Blizzard just threw out changes then never iterated on them leaving the spec in a half finished state.


This 100%. We got some pretty good changes. Now if only we could get some updates to a few spell visuals like everyone else is getting… Looking at you Ascendance.


3 minute dispellable wall is a bandage. It’s better than nothing, but far from good. It needs to be something that’s not a totem and most definitely something that can not be dispelled.

As far as AOE goes, I just want fire nova to be competitive. I don’t like ice strike frost shock combo.

I thoroughly enjoy the elementalist build. In pve it feels real good to me outside of icestrike frost shock (which flows well, I just don’t like them).

We dont need a revamp, we need tweaks. They need to remove the requirement to tab target inbetween gcds for max aoe.

Self resurrection shouldn’t be counted as a personal defensive.

Our melee abilities need a 5 yard range.

I’d love to see lightning bolt and chain lightning consolidated into a single ability. Just make it scale with targets hit, so if it hits 1 target it does the damage of current lightning bolt and if it hits multiple it acts as chain lightning.

Remove the cast time of all our spells at all times except for hex. Instant low damage chain lightnings would be great for levelling and grinding mobs in general. Have them boosted like they are currently with maelstrom. Same with our healing spells.


The truth is that Blizzard has 1-2 people doing class balance/reworks for some incomprehensible reason when they should have 1 person per class. They don’t know most classes/specs enough to make good changes in the short time they have to pump them out. On top of that they are trying to fit 3 different roles(Healer, Rdps, Mdps) into a class and not doing a good job(historically they haven’t!), just look at our class talent tree. Finally we have the specs working entirely differently, which we can see with stormbringer ele vs enh, where Enh builds MSW quickly so tempest gets used a lot but Ele doesn’t, so things that work for enh don’t work for ele and vice versa. They wanted a 1 size fits all solution and the result is a lot of bad/useless talents that work for one spec and not the other.

What does all of this mean? Shaman are a lot more work than most other classes that have specs that operate remotely similarly, like mage. Population also plays a big part in urgency, we aren’t the least played and not the most played, usually somewhere in the middle or bottom half. So since we aren’t the most or least played we get little to no attention unless we make the wheel squeek, like shamans as a whole did mid-beta. However since Elemental was in dire state and healers as a whole getting rebalanced it meant we got the backseat again. Hence totemic is still a mess, class tree is bad, and we have a few redundant rotational abilities that could be combined to bring rotation down to manageable levels for the average player.


This was well summarized especially the bottom half referencing the population count how we’re in the middle as well as the 1 size fits all methodology as well as how they tried to force a lot of talents or have them crossover whereas they really don’t translate that way.

You said it yourself though. These are ENHANCE problems. They really did nothing to address these for the spec. like someone else said, there’s some difficulty in designing a class that fills distinctly different roles. Enh is a melee, we need more mobility and survivability than our ele counterparts.

I do agree with you that enhance is pretty well designed. They’re just so close to making it perfect but they just never seem to make that last step.

If it were me, I would’ve made flurry baseline and introduced a new talent there as defensive or mobility or anything really. Something to make us excited for TWW (outside of hero talents). I feel like most specs have something to look forward too with their design for TWW and enhance is basically the same as it was in DF.

They could’ve thrown us a bone but we ended up getting scraps.

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I miss season 2 enhance was so much fun

I hated it, and it was garbage in M+, and whatever fight you played in Mythic, it was MID af. Meanwhile, Elementalist was the top damage in Mythic Echo and Mythic Sark. Season 2 was absolute dog water.

Thankfully, Stormbringer Storm build actually has gameplay depth and isn’t an RNG hellscape. Though Stormbringer Elementalist seems like its creeping up.


Enhance feels amazing right now imo. Survivability has been addressed, the “rotation” flows really well once you get a feel for it.

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I just finished leveling an enhancement shaman (an orc) last night, and it felt really good as long as the weapons keep up. I would definitely advocate for a different visual for Ascendance, but I loved the damage setup.

Honestly this is valid a lot people complain about bloating or this or that I do love the playstyle and fluidity I just wish we maybe had more attention in terms of variation but as for everything else of course I love it