Engineer’s Workshop: Developing for Mobile and PC

My point is. BFA mission table pales when compared to Legion and WoD one. Rep alone is not enough to bother when you get missions where you are literally unable to 200% it(no bonus loot counter, which can only be countered by troops…on a mission that massively reduces success if you decide to slot troops). And shadowlands mission/adventures table on beta has gold rewards for …16g. Literally zero reason to bother, and mats do not matter if the crafted items(looking at you, 30 slot bags) sells for a pale 80g

they said that you dont need to grind much anima to be done for the week, so if taken serious, it means i can skip the adventures unless they give actual good rewards.

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They can say whatever they want, but everyone is short of anima in Beta.

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Really Blizzard?

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that’s your sever 345g don’t know where you got 80g

On my server they are going for 900g.

I see literally no reason to buy those when i can buy this.

its currently 100g, but goes as low as 80g more often than not.

You jump around saying one thing then say something else, first we talking about mission table for rep and then you say clearing a zone??

Then we talking about selling and you jump to buying. I’m done.

Now i think you are trolling. What im trying to say is that BFA mission table, and Shadowlands adventures are not worth investing. at all.

They need to make the rewards worth it or stop investing time and resources on adventures that gives 16g or something i do not need. Period.

WoD and legion mission tables actually felt worth your time and good rewards. BFA and shadowlands don’t.

See again you did it, we were talking about rep you gain from BFA missions that amounts to paragon boxes, which I said on 15 toons takes 15 mins that adds up along with… ohhh nevermind.

You are changing your story to fit your narrative and I don’t have time for people like you, good day sir

Literally the MOST important thing about the system is ignored in the article: what can we progress doing it?

I am not going to spend 40 hours setting this up to get 100 gold every few days (when I can literally kill mobs and make 1000x more per minute). BfA was a complete disaster while both WoD and Legion were home runs. Is this a home run, or a foul ball?

Lol, sounds like you can’t counter argument so you just decide to claim im making stuff out of my ***. I said above, rep tokens sometimes can’t be 200% so the rewards are disminished. And even if you can actually 200% all of them, the paragon rewards are not worth on their own for gold unless you are after rank 4 essences. I’d like to also point out: The gold amount from paragons is negligible, i stopped doing them on my main and my gold/day didnt suffer in a way i notice. They can be skipped and you lose nothing. In those 15 mins or sighly more,i could do a dungeon carry and get a 25k gold cut. And even if you DON’T do carries, there are still other betters ways, so again, paragons are not worth it on their own unless you are after a mount/toy/rank 4.

So fine, i take you have no argument then. If you do, actually explain instead of attacking me when you can’t argue.

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The millions and millions and millions of people who have a cellphone surgically attached to their hands.

we landed on an “auto-battler lite”

generic fotm game-genre cashgrab side-piece to actual development to hook a new audience by cross advertising

why even employ mobile app devs? you’re just going to sellout to tencent and netease anyway


I hate the table, it was introduced in the worst expansion and it sucks. I hope the next expansion after Shadowlands it gets removed and forgotten. I’d prefer a mobile battle pets thing, or something more fun that those terrible mission tables.


This is awesome for engineers out there. I liked the companion app that was given to us in WoD, I used it at work all of the time. I hope you guys bring more like that into the game in the future.