End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Ok I will try to dumb this down so you can understand it.

Because casual covers a broad window of people that play this game based on the different modes of this game. You can be a casual mplus pusher and only do 20+ keys just as you can be a casual
Mplus person and only do keys level 5-10.

When you are a solo player you’re a solo player period and it doesn’t matter how long you play the game.

Now who’s saving face? Out of the three people here you’re the only one not getting it.

Aaand there it is. The insults.

I personally feel like I was pretty cordial with you, and then you go and insult my intelligence.

No matter. I don’t need to prove myself to you. Have fun.


Would you feel better if I said I would simplify it?

You’re the only one struggling to understand it.

That wasn’t even an insult but feel free to be upset.

My guy, what is so hard to understand about you setting the definition of casual and then changing it halfway through this discussion? You said casual was a metric of time, and then you suddenly backpedaled and said that you had to engage with all facets of the game to be considered as such.

I never tried to say only casual players are solo players. You’re so ignorant about this topic and deadset on being right that you’re twisting what I’m saying into something else entirely. You insult everyone’s intelligence here and can’t seem to read at a comprehensible level that matters. I understand casual players are a broad window of players. I never denied that, in fact.

But to say that you can’t be a casual player and a solo player, and then say M+ pushers and raiders can be is dishonest, at best.

To be honest, I am frustrated. You chased just about everyone off in this thread because just about no one on this forum likes to engage with you. Any sort of productive conversation that could have been had is now wasted because of your presence. It’s no wonder a significant chunk of people here have warned against engaging with you in any capacity; It’s not because you’re smart, it’s just because you’re incapable of saying anything substantial, and when it gets down to it, you just start insulting others because of your ineptitude. Why don’t you go do something productive instead of adding absolutely nothing to the discussion and trolling others?


He’s play a game on you ,this has been going on and on. You can’t win by him and he can’t either ,he views myself as a person with more wisdom -god like of the game and does so as you seen.


That’s okay. He’s going on the ignore list. He can do as he pleases.

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I did the same he was giving me an headache with all the twists.hmm I sure hope he not a incarnation of my dad,gg.

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Considering that’s not what I did at all. It seems my dumbing it down comment was appropriate.

I never changed the definition of casual. I’m saying the definition of solo player doesn’t allow it to be associated with the term of being a casual player.

Nothing has changed. You’re just not comprehending it.

No it’s not. You just can’t understand why it’s not.

To be honest you’re actually a hypocrite. You get mad because I supposedly insulted you then turn around and do the exact same thing. It’s not my fault you’re struggling at comprehending what I’m saying. Literally someone else responded to you and told you what I was saying and you still can’t understand it.

People warn you because people don’t like losing. I can have civil discussions easily when I’m the person I’m talking to has common sense and basic comprehension.

Have a nice day taking another L my guy.

Putting someone on the ignore list = “I’m
Not smart enough to refute their points /rage”

They do not care nor put the time into patches anymore.

I am wondering if Microsoft will even keep most of this staff. I can see Microsoft parting ways with a lot of the lead Devs, for bad decision after bad decision.

Imagine being this full of yourself.

What a lonely life you must live lol



No response is a response.

I will not give someone that is unworthy of my time/responses any further words. Ignore is an awesome feature. Heated debates happen sure - But, if it’s frequent? Nah.


I like how people think someone putting them on ignore is a victory.

Maybe you’re just insufferable, my guy. It’s not the W you think it is.

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I used to think it was a victory to them if you put them on IGNORE. And, that’s why I never did for years. But, a few smart peeps I know made me realize it doesn’t mean they won.

If the shoe fits.

Married with a kid lol. Not lonely at all.

I don’t get heated so heh :man_shrugging:t3:

I don’t buy boosts either so heh :joy:

For a guy who is married with a kid you sure do spend a lot of time on this forum.

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Depends on the person. You honestly think I get caught in my feelings if someone crying on the forums puts me on ignore?

Actually I’m a very likable guy off the forum. I just don’t sugar coat things for people here.

When I work 65+ hours a week and have to bill places by the hour I have some free time.

Sounds like a pretty lonely life to me, buddy, but whatever helps with the cope!

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