End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Huh? When were you able to get good gear just by running around the world?


If you’re going to characterize “doing world content” as “just running around the world”, then you’re not serious about the topic.


You might want to reformat for easier reading.

In the time of WotLK and Cata, if you wanted high end gear, you did group instanced content.

So it worked the same way as it does now.

And this thread has nothing to do with solo play in of itself and/or Blizzard’s attitude towards it.

This thread is just another cry for more welfare gear.

You want high end gear, go do high difficulty content. Otherwise, you don’t need it and you don’t deserve it.


Cool. You don’t have to and that’s totally fine.

But you shouldn’t expect equivalent rewards if you’re not pursuing harder content.

I think World Content gear stopping a half-step below Normal Raid is perfectly acceptable. Because otherwise, why does Normal Raid even exist?

Of course, I’m not totally opposed to dropping a Raid Difficulty to give World Content more of its own niche either. I always felt it was a bit weird that MoP’s flex mode stuck around as a standalone difficulty after everything else became Flex in WoD. And Normal Raid has been in a weird place in the reward scheme since Legion – since thats when World Content started mattering more.



you want better earn.

do the content the gear is for. nobody who isint doing mythic raids or high end mythics should have access to that kinda gear. dont know whats hard to understand about that


Good job mischaracterizing the point of the OP. There is absolutely nothing between bis gear and being naked, right?

Why are you still a level 48? Your gear is truly crap at that level. Why do you not level up to max and do hard content as so many people are telling you to instead of expecting free gear?


I really dont want to play an online game to play exclusively solo.
I mean you can get 233 doing korthia, thats only 26 ilvls lower than full mythic. More than enough to smash everything in solo content and even doable full heroic raids run.

I also dont want hardcore world content i enjoy it being pretty chill.


maybe you addressed this and i just missed it but… why, again?


Just like world content?


I don’t care what my max ilvl is, I care whether the content is fun with the gear I have when I go into it.

Shadowlands open world content has not been fun.

(as for why it hasn’t been fun, that’s more complicated than just the ilvl of gear, but the scaling has been one component of the problems)


Here’s how it works. When some casual says, “It would feel good to be able to earn an occasional 5 ilvl upgrade on a piece of gear”, people like you start throwing tantrums, saying, “HOW DARE YOU DEMAND THAT MYTHIC RAID GEAR BE MAILED TO YOU!!!”

You love the fact that your content is paid for by the dollars paid by 80% of the playerbase who you despise. If you had to pay the full cost you wouldn’t do it. You want your free welfare content and you want somebody else to pay for it. Your $15 a month won’t cover the cost of elite content.


I never said that.

What are you on about? Do you always dream up these elaborate stories when somebody doesn’t immediately agree with you, or questions you at all? It doesn’t seem healthy.


Please tell me what activities were available in WotLK that gave solo players an ongoing power progression path once they completed all the base game quests?


Throughout this thread you and almost everyone else has intentionally mischaracterized what the OP has written as a demand for bis gear for doing nothing. Absolutely nothing. You said it.

Fact: 80% of the playerbase of every successful MMO is casuals. Intentionally making them feel bad will result in them leaving and taking their entertainment dollars elsewhere. Do you really think you deserve an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars in creating the most expensive content in the game when you are working really hard to find ways to drive away paying customers?


The game gives you starter gear to start working on endgame content.

If you want to sit there with your “starter” gear and be unhappy that it’s not getting strong then I’m not really sure what to say. This is more of less how it has always worked.


I think Torghast could’ve given gear, in the style of visions last expansion.

But really, most high end gear should come from group content. It is an MMORPG after all.


i am a casual, hence i only play for like 2 maybe 3 hours every couple of days.
Casual doesnt mean solo player.


Yup, I would also be considered a casual player. I play less than 10 hours a week at this point.

MMOs still work with me because I’m able to socialize with others and build fulfilling connections, which makes it pretty easy for me to find success in grouped content.

This thread is about solo players it is not about casual players and no, they are NOT the same thing.


I feel like everyone want to talk for me lol been years i played more than 10 horus a week too, at least outside holydays etc.
I just talk to people and get stuff done

Interesting thread, and well-written too. Quick bump, and following…