End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

This thread is still going on?

Stop beating the poor dead horse.

Each time I think it is going to be laid to rest, some one who thinks that solo players don’t deserve gear or a path to progress comes in and starts it up again, not saying that the pro side is innocent either. but maybe BOTH sides need to learn to let things die, if it has been days since the last post don’t replay as chances are you are just retreading old ground.

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I don’t know, seeing this pop up in my feed every now and then almost brings a sense of stability to the world. Sure, Ukraine might be being invaded, but at least people are still arguing in the solo game play thread.

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Maybe it is just time for some of the ideas brought up in this thread to be made into their own topics for further discussion and this one fades.

The last person that bumped this is a solo player saying the gear is fine so

The last post before mine was an hour old. The post before that was 14 hours. It hasn’t been “days”

“Things that didn’t actually happen for $100, Alex”.

The idea that you spent 2 days doing randoms to buy and fully upgrade honor gear, and that this made you fully competitive in PvP - utterly false. The literally hundreds of hours of spamming bgs it would take to get and upgrade that gear would result in gear that was useless even in bgs.


Everyone that does keys above 15 disagrees.
I do think there should be a progression path for solo players though the way there was in korthia (although it was painful I agree but that sort of progress over time)

I actually think the mana pearl gear was a good system it’s only problem being that it was also bis for raiding. If its effects were ilvl in the open world I think the system would have been received far differently.

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Any third party source that targets the general active population estimates that at most 10-40% of the active population does Normal or above, based on differing criteria. There may be a time lag in aggregating the data, but overall the Armory is the best method we have being outside Blizzard, and the Armory is typically accurate regarding boss kills.

(I or anyone else may have official actual estimates or highly accurate estimates as trade secrets from related parties, but we wouldn’t be able to publish those numbers on a forum or anywhere else.)

Better yet, Blizzard itself is telling you that raid participation is low based on game design.

Raid participation was around 70% in Wrath, but sunk sharply in Cata as PvE content was not as casual or solo friendly, and that is why Blizzard released the Raid Finder difficulty at the end of Cata to help justify the expenses of developing raids by exposing the content to more players.

MoP tried to push people into raiding by having a legendary cloak questline available to all specs that required players to farm each raid tier every week to loot quest items.

Then Ion finally got to have his way with a true raid-or-die expac: WoD. If you wanted a high iLvl in PvE, you had to raid. No more purples from Heroic dungeons. But this approach failed miserably because most players would unsub rather than participate in organized raiding, and it was so bad that Blizzard stopped publicizing numbers about active players.

Due to the mass exodus of non-raiders during WoD, Blizzard developed a great amount of non-raiding content for Legion, and even introduced the Mythic Plus system as another pillar of endgame play.

But coming into the gear drought of Shadowlands, it was obvious that most players would rather gear up through PvP or M+ than raiding, so in 9.1 PvP gear was nerfed in PvE content and the Domination Shard system was introduced to incentivize raiding—and in 9.2 class tier sets are going to be most easily obtained in raiding, especially in the months before the Creation Catalyst is available to turn non-raiding gear into tier pieces.

Torghast also did not drop gear because devs learned from Horrific Visions that most people would rather gear up from solo challenges than raids.

Inspect some random players in your covenant or in Oribos, in LFR or LFD, or in unrated BGs. You are going to see a lot of world content gear, M+ gear, LFR gear, or Honor gear, but more than likely actual raiding gear is the least common.

There is no numerical indication anywhere that more than half of all active players do Normal raids or higher, unless you specifically target raiding guilds or website that only track characters with boss kills. But current WoW devs would like to continue to promote the misconception that everyone raids, so that raids is all they have to develop.


just because you are done with the topic doesn’t mean other people don’t care about the topic
 and nothing is resolved here – this is a huge grievance of the player base and Blizz isn’t listening.


Where did I say I was done with the topic?

I’m pretty resolved.

Solo players are the biggest minority in the game.

Blizz should never listen to solo players.

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WoD numbers crashed because of the pruning.

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They still are making tons of money, so they don’t care. Neither do you, cuz you are still giving them money

I’m just curious where this “raid participation was 70% in Wrath” line came from.

If you include players doing queued content (LFR, unrated PvP, dungeon finder, etc.) we are the majority by far.

From achievement tracking at the time. Do you think it was actually lower, or higher?

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No you’re not. Stop being delusional. Casual players are the biggest group. Then it’s raiders and solo players are last.

I can’t believe it’s not butter and that this dude is still posting ^


Why would I not be posting?

I’m sorry you don’t like facts.

I hope to be like you one day. So wise and kind.


I’m a professional SOLO gamer, I HATED the Mage Tower, it was annoying, had no thrill factor and I personally couldn’t care less about its MOGS or mounts.
It was at best a side distraction for those caught up on all of the other features of the current patch.
I’m not a raider, a rated player of any kind or an elitist.

I probably represent more of a cross section of actual players that truly play this game.

Acti-Blizz needs to wake up


I don’t think the typical player has access to good guilds anymore. Most of the successful ones are made up of people who’ve known each other for years.

Kind of like gated community. Gotta know someone to get in the elite groups. That’s why gold based carries got popular. Can’t be elite without elites helping out. At least to the majority of players anyways.