End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

So again its someone else fault?
If you want better gear go get it like everyone who has it did…

Also this

Because they probably still put in more than the solo player did. Of they are truly useless to their group and need replacing.

They both already are.

You dont have the right to anything. You have the same opportunity that evern other player has.

259 is way too high. Stop being delusional.

Stop saying casual players are capped at 252 because its a flat out lie. SOLO players are capped at 252 by choice.

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And yet they dont seem willing to accept the consequences of their own choice…

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Gee, sounds familliar, who else can that apply to…oh, anyone that uses the “forced” argument.

They chose to min/max
They choose to do the content that lets them do such
They choose to be in guilds that require such

I get that some play that way, they think they have to be the best, or as close to it as they can get, in everything, but come on it is a choice people make, which means it is never forced on anyone.


Yea pretty much.
People who are wanting to push top 100 world kills imo dont really have a case for complaining that they are expected to have alts etc. Those people dont tend to be the ones stamping their feet and demanding “change or I unsub”. That at least seems to the the specialty of the lower end players.

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Sidelining the ilvl argument for a bit, would it at least be reasonable to ask for weapons, which can be a big part of a character’s stat pool, be included from ZM at the same ilvl as every other piece of gear there?


Yea idk why they wouldn’t have everything available. Should be able to get a full set including weps imo.


Never ceases to amaze when players who don’t do group content expect to be able to solo for gear that is only needed in group content.


WoW has solo-content… it has massive solo content. But you consumed them all and you want more. The other massive content you are missing is the group content and you refuse to do it. When you’re max’d out on solo, to get more, you have to explore the group content. That’s the game mechanics. That is how this game is designed.

Therefore, it seems you are in a wrong game as you want more Solo games. You are limited in terms of gear and you are unhappy. The game offers you more stuff but it’s on group content and you refuse to do it. I am very sorry for you. It seems this game is not for you. If you want to be happy with this game, you have to do Solo and group content.

Before, I was a 24/7 no life WoW addict who raids, pvp and do a lot of 5-man dungeons. Then as time goes by, I have to quit my WoW addiction, I became Casual as my play time became limited. I continued to play WoW with limited play time. I was not happy becoz I cant raid anymore… cant engage to higher difficulty content as I have limited playtime. It’s like the game offers a lot of stuffs and I cant enjoy them. So I thought of quitting.

Then WoW evolved and introduced Mythic+. It gave me higher difficulty gaming for my limited play time. An WoW made Dungeon Finder for Raids where I could join some short Raids. Now, I am happy again becoz I could access what the game offers even if I have limited play time.

And I understand your frustration if you are not getting 100% of the game since you prefer to skip group content … which is a massive fun content that Blizz offers that other games dont have.

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No, I’m just explaining why it’s not an enjoyable experience for me. I do occasionally raid in my guild, but I’m usually not available when they raid and I don’t like pugging with people I don’t know.

It’s my choice not to raid or do M+ and I can live with missing out on that stuff. My argument is about consistency. It IS Blizzard’s choice (not fault, there’s a difference) to deny me a weapon this tier, when they have placed no such restriction in the past. (See below.)

In the past three patches, I have been able to eventually get around a normal raid ilvl weapon from solo content (typically long after a raider would’ve gotten something better). If you disagree with that design philosophy on principle, fine. But it is the way Blizzard has made the game since at least the end of BFA, and I’m just wondering why it’s suddenly a problem for them in this patch when it wasn’t before.

TL;DR–> I am not asking for anything MORE in terms of gear from world content than what Blizzard has already been providing; I am just asking for them to be more or less consistent patch to patch.


Just saw this. This was my whole argument, not that the ilvl should be better:

I only play solo and in SL I maxed out my gear at 233 ilvl. Since I don’t do dungeons, raids, PVP, etc. - there’s no need for my ilvl to be any higher. If I wanted to craft a legendary and make it higher, I could, but I hate Torghast. But I don’t need a legendary. I am able to kill everything other than world bosses in SL on my own with relative ease/quickly. What more do I need? To be able to kill something in 1.5 seconds instead of 2? =/


valor tokens

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It seems that many players max out their gear using the soloable methods available, as you did.

Korthia gear was not just a catch-up for many players, so game devs need to remember that max-level content and rewards need to be good because that will be the main WoW experience for many players.

Torghast is a non-issue for solo players that don’t want to do it—especially since most SL legendaries are so weak—but for those solo players that want to enjoy Torghast, the game systems are broken because there is no way to obtain good enough gear to comfortably progress through the higher layers.


What they really want is for their subscription numbers to increase for a change, thus increasing profits to their shareholders. Unfortunately they are really bad at doing this. Mainly because their leadership has other priorities than making a good game.


using that premise, the jailer(final boss) doesnt need to drop any gear, because you wont need that gear to beat him. Just have him drop the achievement and the mount and thats all he needs to drop.


They do the harder content for the teamwork and challenge. Go to the master loot threads and they will tell you all about it. They will tell you the loot is irrelevant.


So what would make a good game?

cater to the many ways to play, instead of catering to only 1 or 2 ways and ignoring the rest. Allowing players of 1 path to dominate the rest of the game.


Going for quality and not quantity for content

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Well, good news, they already do this!