End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Then why the IO? if that wasn’t important? Reason why is that player complained they don’t want other lower level or wanted a covenant ability to join for added perks. This left those that couldn’t rise their level in the dirt which is not a good feeling to stare up at boot level kissing the feet of those that made this form of judgement.

Not necessarily, no. Gearing your character solely through ilvl will cost you performance. That’s where the disconnect is. That number doesn’t matter nearly as much as people think that it does. If it did, we wouldn’t be looking at other units of measure.

IO doesn’t exist for leveling content.

It is when you reach a point of leveling ,it does.

No one is checking your IO for the randomly assigned Dead Mines group. IO is only for max level content.

I’m not talking low level content but more towards present expansion.Of course there no IO of dead mines,gg.

What do you think leveling content is? It’s for leveling. There is no IO for leveling. Where did you read that? I’ve love to see the link lol.

Everyone one levels ,keep twisting my word like a pro ,keep going.

ilvl determines the strength of stats. It definetly increases the maximum potential your own character can bring out.

Its up to the player to get that potential out of the gear.

Its not like raid gear buffs your raid. Its buffs you as an individual. Your raid benefits from the dps. But its not like the gear buffs multiple members. It buffs soley one person. There are some nice trinkets though that buff group members.

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A 239 helm with a dom shard is more dps than a 252 helm from Mplus

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I’m telling you…do not put your gear together purely through ilvl. I can promise you that it doesn’t work that way.

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Yes, and casual and solo players might have limited time as well and not be able to play WoW like it was a job, just to experience power progression.

I’m just asking the devs to cater to the majority audience to keep 9.2 from flopping miserably.

Difficulty doesn’t matter. Games simply need to have rewards, or people won’t play them. WoW has to learn to reward solo players, because you can’t force them to raid and you need those subs to be the top MMO.

LOL. You are obviously out of the loop. Raiders have been throwing absolute tantrums through the 9.2 PTR cycle and have mostly been getting their way.

I don’t think raiders and key runners should have to do world content to grind for secondary power. It should drop from their content. But world content should also provide decent gear for everyone else, who have no other way to even earn primary character power.

WoW devs are trying to force raiding into having value again, even if they have to remove the value from the whole rest of the game. They are killing the cancer patient (WoW) with chemo to save the tumor (raiding elitism), when they should just be removing the tumor (raiding elitism) to save the patient (WoW).

It goes by stats which ilevel does matter ,that is solely up to the character .class and spec.

For example,I benefit more from mastery for mana retention and damage ,so i have to be picky there for gear without it makes no sense and I have keep farming.

Yea only where shards work. But not where shards don’t work.

You’re giving that guy terrible advice. That’s worse than thinking that IO is a consideration in leveling content.

It does as a judgement,and they use it to level in your dungeons and raids at 60 ,but that doesn’t mean you stop leveling,oh no,no,that only a dream.

Ok and? Solo players are the only ones complaining about progression because they refuse to do the content. That is your problem and only your problem.

Solo players arent the majority.

They do have rewards, You just dont think the rewards are high enough.

No they havent.

World content already gives decent gear. You just want free higher ilvl handouts.

Raiding has always been the primary endgame.


False. The gems work in all content. The set bonus is the only thing that doesnt work.

You stop leveling at 60. This is clever, but you’re spreading this misinformation either through ignorance or malice. People wouldn’t sim gear if ilvl was the only thing that you had to think about. Please stop, you’re not helping him.

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Oh really? Well that’s going to be useless in 2 day anyway lol…