End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Imo operation mechagon is an even better example. It was hot fix nerfed within the week because it was “too hard nerf now or I unsub”. Rather than doing some of the other content that had host come out and gearing up with the 30 new ilvls available to them they just whinged until nerfs came…

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Playing solo means you would miss a lot of game’s features. This game is not designed to be played on solo.

Play with a group and you would enjoy all the game’s features. Most of the solo content of the game are from leveling and some solo rep farming. Accessing the best items are done with groups. That’s this game’s mechanics since it started 18 years ago. If you still keep on pushing that this game is a solo game, you must be in a wrong game. No, I dont want this game to become a solo game. There are tons of solo games out there. And this is not among them.

You have NO IDEA what you are talking about IMHO~^^

Imho,it’s a catch 22 ,either the wq solo activity is rised because we know raiders/mythicers would start getting involved ,since they need the gear to do world first,which to soloist would complain about that.“Their killing every rare even before we got there.” Or allow the soloist /casual to do the content ten levels lower as they do now,which doesn’t hurt anyone progression.

This complaining about gear level is ridiculous.

I never pushed that this was a solo game, just that a rough majority of players have always primarily enjoyed solo and queued content until Shadowlands, and that the intentional nerf to solo and queued rewards in Shadowlands has done more harm than good to the game’s population.

I also would never suggest that WoW be made into a solo game, just that meaningful solo progression options be restored. Solo players can go back to playing WoW again, and WoW devs, hardcore players, and content creators can go back to pretending that WoW is all about raiding.

Casual players are also adversely affected by the downgrade to world content in 9.2, no matter how you define “casual”.

Any type of player would appreciate an occasional upgrade from world content to help them complete group content. But no, Blizzard is still insisting that all gear needs to come from grindy, RNG, timegated systems like the Great Vault and premade group content with low drop rates.

“But no, if world content rewards are too good, raiders will be forced to do it!” is not a plausible excuse to nerf world content.

I’m sure you’ve heard the terms “Heroic week” and “Mythic week”? But why is there no “Normal week”? Why does the Heroic raid drop the same week as Normal and not the week after?

Because Normal already doesn’t matter to the hardcore raiders and M+ enthusiasts. Giving higher Normal 259 gear to world content players is not going to destroy progression for the hardcore players, and if raiders are still struggling to clear Normal, then they need the option of earning upgrades in world content.

You elitists always speak of WoW traditions. Reputations and world content grinding have almost always provided some kind of perk or small power gain, but now in 9.2 raiders want to be exempt even from entering the new zone or earning the new reputation, while also stripping the average player of basic power rewards (that would be downgrades for the hardcore raiders to begin with)?!


I don’t think that world quests are being kept low because of raiders. Most people don’t raid so it’s not in Blizzard’s interests to just bow to the raiders. And frankly, world quest gear can never be as good because of things like trinkets. People are all excited now because ilvl has gone up like 6 points or something, but 6 points doesn’t mean much. Maybe that mob dies a fraction of a section faster.

No they aren’t. As casuals are doing other content that awards better gear.

Only bad solo players need upgrades from world content.

Nope. I have heard raid release and mythic release.

And yes some guilds do need to do normal first.

There is other raiders that do use normal before going into heroic.
Infact most mythic guilds will be doing normal and heroic the first couple weeks.

No world content is to easy to be equal with normal content.

Uh what? Raiders are forced into the new zone.
You really don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.

it’s a good transition for the solo/casual but for raiders/mythic it’s nothing they couldn’t care less.But if they drop high enough level gear they can add another plus to that gear that will help until they can progress to a comfortable level to do harder content. 233 isn’t much for them at all since they dawn 246 gear if maxed ,why the complaint then, it’s not hurting them .

Only thing it hurt is their pride that now everyone can be close to them,(yet so far from them).

Raiders know what gear is worth targeting and they know which gear leads to the biggest dps/hps upgrades. The solo player is not competition in competitive content so I doubt that they care. You just can’t judge a player by ilvl, be it a raider or otherwise. Parses and IO history are king now. The reason for that is that ilvl is so easy to get.

In SL, yes, literally any premade group content awards better gear than world content.

Whether solo players are good or bad or not doesn’t matter, because they don’t have any other gearing options to begin with.

FYI: Competitive players call Normal/Heroic raid release week “Heroic week” and the Mythic raid release week “Mythic week”. But thank you for demonstrating that you are not really a part of that community, it explains a lot.

That’s fine. I have raided with guilds like that before, and people were always advising each other on how to get gear outside of raids because you don’t get much gear if you are not fully clearing every week. Decent gear from outdoor content was a boon.

I imagine so, especially for set bonuses. But if they have so much time every week, why not go do some world content too for downgrades and sidegrades?

World content is generally easier than Normal raiding, but the difficulty doesn’t matter when one is done alone as a relaxing activity and one is done in a group for the challenge. They are two completely different things and both should have rewards, no hierarchy needed.

In the end, yes, for the double legendary recipe and for Cosmic Flux (if not enough drops from raiding for your leggo needs), but raiders have been clamoring for the past few weeks about having to step foot in the new zone at all.

Oh, you must have been looking in the mirror when you said that. But just in case you were talking to me, please keep up with the recent changes on 9.2 PTR before you accuse others of not knowing what is going on.


Yup,but soloers don’t worry about that, raider and mythic hoppers do and yet ,we pay the same price for this game is that fair that soloer have to have a record to do a dungeon or raid? Dang ,sounds like soloers are applying for a job.

Its how its supposed to be. Group content is harder than solo content so solo content gives worse rewards.

They do have the options. YOU make the choice to limit your options.

Some might. However its always been raid release and mythic release

Because not everyone has that time. Its called real life responsibilities. In the end youre the oen asking the devs to cater to you for limiting yourself.

World content is ALOT easier than normal raiding. Dont kid yourself. It doesnt matter why its done, solo content has zero difficulty.

They both do have their rewards, you just dont like the reward.

I havent seen one raider complaining. Raiders go into every new zone every patch to farm it for conduit upgrades and every other reason.

Nope I was def talking about you because as usual you dont have a clue.


Mythic hoppers?

You dont need one unless you are applying to do higher end content.

Uhh no its not even anything close to that.

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Solo players do worry about that which is why they ask for ilvl all the time. They think it’s the ilvl that matters which is why the 6 point increase in ilvl is receiving such acclaim. What they don’t understand is that the more gear you throw at people, the less important it becomes. Now people complain about how parses and io have taken over the game, but how else are you going to gauge someone when everyone has good gear?


“Gear is why we cant perform”

Blizz gives gear.

“Parses and RIO shouldnt exist because it tracks how I do”


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Cosmic Flux farming will be the reason this tier. Plus, we all like flying.

It looks really pretty tbh. And being able to create mounts appeals to me in between my 2 night a week raids.

Tell me did you judge a player when you were leveling? I don’t think anyone does have the time any more to do that except out of curiosity.

As for parses and Io ,these are judgements and shouldn’t be a factor but here we are human would be humans.

As a Holy Priest, Outlaw Rogue, and MM Hunter, I would like rated 1v1 arena to unlock those pvp gear upgrades :smiley:

Leveling content can’t be failed, so I wouldn’t bother to check. Those groups are randomly put together anyway. Parses and IO wouldn’t be a consideration if everyone didn’t have good gear. It wasn’t that way before. If you want to pug a raid in classic, a gear inspection is fairly common. Checking someone’s ilvl in retail doesn’t mean anything. Everyone is going to be 20 ilvls off the best gear available.

The fact is organized group content make it feel like a job to play the game for certain players. Its already a sub based game. ilvl is personal power growth. I don’t understand why group content only benefits from this.

The parsing and io is to filter out people in group content, wheras other players who dont want to do group content still want to feel more powerful in all the things they do.

Like I don’t understand how me doing group content gets me the best soloing gear. And its only because the gear is superior through raw stats. Changing up gear design could include stuff like raid gear providing group buffs instead of just raw stat buffs. Like buffing your part memembers stats by x amount. The gear tends to just buff themselves.

Like the new tier gear excludes solo players. Any casual player will want to do lfr or pug mythics just to get chances to get them. The new sand currency gear you gotta farm elites… thats still something you want to group for.

Premade content benefits the most, and rn that can make people feel they are forced to pug. Ill be pugging a bunch next patch. Can’t say that’s the way I want to play but sorta forced to to enjoy the combat systems.