Things “nice” guys say for 500, Alex.
All this debate about “casuals” “solo players” etc is just semantics.
It doesn’t change the central point that players who DON’T participate in organized game play with constant groups to do raids, or M+, or rated PvP … are left behind in 9.2 just as they have been for most of SL … and that’s partly why we have had such a major exodus of players - most WoW players don’t mostly play for organized group content … which isnt; to say group content isn’t important or participated in … but that a good chunk of those players are doing group content through pugging (and to pug you have to get into groups, and to get into groups you have to have a way to progress your character outside of group content … otherwise if you fall behind at all you get locked out of pug groups).
Not at all. I enjoy my job and my life.
I also have a Shiba who is a trip as well.
I never bought a damn boost. I wish Mr. meanie could tell me the name or direct me to this thread of thinking it’s me.
In my case it’s actually true though.
I admit to being a jet and very blunt. I’m also helpful too.
I bet it is.
You enjoy it so much you spend most of your days on the WoW forums telling strangers how stupid they are.
That’s because this game is designed around group content for end game. Always has been. If you don’t like group content you have two choices. Play the game how it is or just quit.
This is actually false. In 9.1. You farmed Korthia or bought boes to get to a high enough ilvl to join pugs. I have geared three toons to above 240 this tier and two of them in pugs. It is entirely possible to catch up with pugging.
It will probably also make you mad that I get paid to do it.
My job bills by the hour. If I get to a job and it takes 20 minutes I have 40 minutes to kill.
Sweetheart, you’re not the only one with time to kill on their job. You aren’t special lol
Bless your heart. Where did I ever say it made me special? I was just explaining it like I explain things to my two year old in the hope you would understand it
All of your insults are some variation of the same insult you’ve already said. Get original lmao
Nah. I don’t want you to think too hard.
Besides I prefer to keep things g rated. We have some soft emotional people on the forums that tend to disagree with my POV.
This is the same insult again.
LMAO Wrath didnt have Mythic, no way in hell you played Wrath if you didnt know that.
show me where it says you cant be both a solo/casual player cuz i dont see it clown.
you are a joke thinking it only has one meaning. cuz their are plenty of solo/casual players in games. casual isnt just a metric of time. its only part of it. but as a clown you cant see that.
Guys! The war is on solo game play…not between yourselves
I’m glad you were able to understand it.
Here I’ll link it worded differently for you.
Read this like 12 times so you understand it Haveworms.
Also the term solo can’t be used with the term casual because it’s an entirely different playstyle. The key word is that Solo is what separates them.
and you think casual only is a metric of time when it isnt clown. it has more then one meaning like many terms and words do. but you are a clown. anyone can be both a solo/casual player. it is not impossible. still waiting on proof you cant be both.