End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

Not really, pretty much the same thread was started a week or so ago and as far as I know is still ongoing (I blocked it, so I don’t even see it anymore, so can’t say), so this is pretty much a duplicate thread.

And the same points are being made by the same people, all over again. I really wish people would read the threads on the forum before making new ones.

Like what? Everything through Mythic Antorus is soloable. BfA isn’t legacy yet, if that’s what you’re referring to.

I dog-pile because it is a waste of design time when LFR does the job well-enough of giving players a place to see the story and pretend they’re playing through it.

The whole point of LFR is that it is less work to let more people see the content, not more work.


Just… lol. If the war of flying was the reason why WoD was terrible, why was Legion such a success even though it launched with no flying, no flying in Argus, etc? Just lol. Pro-flyers live in an alternate reality from our own.

LOL…unless youre playing hunter.
Ive run half the classes thru some of SL and BM is disgustingly easy. Ive had other players invite me to group just so they could get credit for the mobs im mowing down.
level 56 and running in heirlooms still.
My 60 druid that is pretty decently geared, however, still dies to half a mob if im not overly careful.
This game is ridiculous most days.


There’d only be 6 megathreads if people did that!

Megathreads are the way to go! We had the one High Elf megathread and that made it so there weren’t any other threads about… oh. Hrm.

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How? My barely 200 ilevel toons don’t have any issues unless I’m trying to run to the Korthia WB

The idea specifically targeted open-world so that there’s a 4th pillar that is not only for casual, but straight up isn’t instanced content. Instances of Warcraft is too heavily focused on IMO and open world content doesn’t feel as solid considering instanced content is reaping an extra weekly reward.


SoulsoBreezy did a video on this, which was counterintuitive to the type of audience a streamer normally attracts, and he brings up some really great points.

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Players will go along with mega threads if they think it is good for the cause. Once it seems like the mega-thread has been ignored, it’s back to going wide with threads.

Can you share them? Because we haven’t seen any great points elsewhere in the thread.

The reason ilvl vs raid ilvl is lower in Zereth Mortis is the player power gained from the Cypher mechanics like Pocopoc. Did SoulsoBreezy talk about that?

I played his video in the background so I don’t remember all of it. Just the typical stuff.

  • “Casuals aren’t going to steal your raid slot if they have better loot”.

  • “Set sets are a big feature of this patch and everyone deserves them”.

  • “Everyone wants their character to get stronger as they play the game and they want to be able to solo the same stuff raiders can”.


It’s not difficult to figure out.

Ummm… is the single player content a solo player is trying to complete able to be completed with the gear earned thru single player content?


Okay, that is what they need.


Need and want are two different things.

Reality check: everyone is playing in the same sandbox so everything effects everyone.

And no, other players enjoying themselves and earning rewards don’t hurt me… as long as the rewards they are getting are equitable to the play where the rewards are earned.

And that is all I am advocating for.

And as a side-note, it’s not about other players effecting you, it’s about the existence of rewards dictating your play and directing you towards content you don’t want to play.

“Casual” players don’t need the gear from raids to do what they do, so they should be happy. As long as raiding players don’t need the gear from open-world content to do what they do, then they’ll be happy as well. The problem is these people begging for free infringe on the raiders ability to ignore the existence of world content. THAT is where the problem is. It’s the same reason why raiders sometimes hate LFR - they hate it when LFR becomes mandatory for them to optimize early power progression. NO ONE WHO MYTHIC RAIDS WANTS TO NEED TO DO LFR TO GET TIER PIECES. Thankfully, tier is only from later bosses and Blizzard has time-gated LFR quite heavily so more progression players should be able to ignore LFR.

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Korthia would be a whole lot more enjoyable if there were no other players there but me

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Personally, I simply can’t guarantee an uninterrupted two hours devoted to a raid. Solo, no problem, but you can’t keep a raid group or even a five-man waiting 10 minutes while you attend to rl responsibilities. I don’t imagine my life is so unusual that I am unique.

I would love a piece of solo content every bit as difficult as the highest level group content.

There’s a pretty good vid of a presentation from the 2011 Game Developer’s Conference that explores some of the reasons people soloMMO: https://youtube.com/watch?v=b2l2ZxNhCSg

Most of our raid team have families, something comes up you say you gotta go, we say OK and bring in somebody else. It’s very common.

I’d be interested in hearing that as well. As I recall, if you even wanted blue gear, not to mention purples, you had one path, and that was instanced group content.

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/guildinvite please.

But seriously, you’re sorta screwed if you do gotta go.


Getting sweaty of how ppl want to spend their time in a video game, that at the end of the day, means nothing.