End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

Yes it’s exactly how it works. You’re one or the other. You can’t be both.

its just one example of many. You dont control what casual player means cuz this right here is 100% wrong.

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1000% wrong you can be both.

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It’s not wrong but feel free to try again.

No you can’t. You can’t be a solo player and casual at the same time.

? lol yes it it you can literally play any rpg solo/casual. if you played more then just WoW you would know this. lots of players just play the story of the game solo and leave. its so funny you think you can define these terms. with no back up or claims on them.


is that better for you. you should go tell them they are wrong. All mighy Snoozeh


I don’t have to imagine. I had the quite surreal honor of being personally told by a Wildstar rep doing pre-launch hype that he didn’t want me to buy their game.

I’m sure Blizzard has their own terms to describe how we play. I wish they would define solo/casual/hardcore as they see it so we can all be on the same page when bickering back and forth. :grin:


Your assumption that this is the only mmo I have played is a joke. This also isn’t an rpg. It’s an mmo.

Thanks for proving my point.

Wikipedia isn’t a source.

Yes, I think the next expansion should be…

World of Warcraft: The War on Friends and Happy Conveniences

No joke or sarcasm intended; I am serious about that. Obviously, they aren’t going to go in that direction since they are going more in the direction of ‘happy conveniences’ with cross faction grouping.

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I think that Casual and Solo cover entirely different types of play. There is nothing inherently casual about playing solo. You can spend quite a lot of time farming every raid for tmog, doing pet battles, and doing what max level content there is that does not require a group. I have heard of people trying to do the big love rocket on 40 characters a day, which is both not casual and entirely possible to do as a solo player so long as qued content does not count as group content to you.

I would venture a guess that most people who play solo are also casual, but having the game be very accessible to casual players who dabble in raiding or PvP does not necessarily improve anything for solo players. The most casual friendly thing you could do for casual raiders would be to remove all the systems that you have to farm to max out your character that way if you want to you can commit your entire in-game schedule to raiding. This would probably not make solo players happy though as it would remove content, or at least rewards from the open world.

you havnt proved anything and based on how you talk WoW is the only game you play. yeah they play “solo/casual” and leave. still waiting for you proof in claims to these terms. maybe you should google to see how wrong you are.

wrong and cant prove it

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you have no source or claims on solo/casual at all. you can play solo/casual for WoW.

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lol says who you? how cant you? explain? play the story on your own solo/casual and leave the game.

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You should get a refund on your psychic training.

I have probably been playing mmos and rpgs since before you were in diapers

I can. I have linked the source multiple
Times. You want it go find it.

If you’re playing just the story you’re playing solo :man_facepalming:t3:

lol you are literally nothing more then a Clown. you only play WoW and live in the WoW forums. you can play solo and casual. Its literally not impossible. you can literally google solo/casual player. you havnt shown me anything to back your claims.


so many people here showing the stereotypes of mmo players.

On what grounds? What dictates that you can’t be both?

Because you say so? I don’t think it’s up to you to determine that.