I’m so tired of seeing ppl call other ppl bad players. It’s so crass.
I think many ppl could be gud with the right setting of ppl and the opportunity to learn. Do some have natural talent and are better? Ofc! But, I think for some its ppl that drive others away from excelling in this game.
You’re not asking to “earn something” … you’re asking for a handout for showing up. The game already gives you that. You need naught else, not should expect it.
If it bothers you that some people get the vault pick to look forward to then you have a choice to do something that gets you a vault pick. Every system in the game doesn’t have to be accessible to every player just cause they want it.
The base game of Vanilla at launch consisted of leveling up through quests and killing mobs, which was in fact designed to be soloable because not being able to get to max level solo would have been a huge deal breaker for millions of players. If you wanted to try dungeons with a group, there always seemed to be people looking to fill their groups in chat waiting right outside the entrance to the dungeon.
If I recall correctly, experience from mob kills was also divided evenly among all party members, so while it was efficient to group up due to the diverse toolkits and CDs from different players, the game didn’t make you feel like you were doing it wrong by doing basic quests on your own.
Well I’m explaining it in that way cause the whole argument makes people sound like a disgruntled, entitled child so putting into context for them. I can use smaller words if it helps … think I can post visual aids …
I mean how about everytime we log in the game we automatically get a piece of gear just for logging in? Once per day so it can’t be abused. Then you’d have people complaining “BUT I COULDN"T LOG IN YESTERDAY SO I WANT 2 PIECES TODAY CAUSE RARRRRR NOT FAIR AND I WANT IT!”
… that’s what solo players complaining about not getting better gear to do non-challenging content sound like.
This is nothing, you should have seen the invective during the Vanilla, Casual(Solo) vs Hardcore war. You couldn’t get two replies in before it was Godwin vs. Karl Marx, lol.
There are many fine people, of course, who enjoy group content and are not necessarily elitist.
FYI: When I say “elitists”, I am referring to players who insist that other types of gameplay should not be rewarded with power progression, even if it is detrimental to the game’s health and success.
You mean like every time that there is solo content that’s hard and people scream for nerfs?
Shadowlands alone
The Maw
Mage tower
All content that was harder solo content that was cried about. Solo players don’t want hard content. They pretend to want it as a way to validate getting bis gear.
I agree with this. I’m just saying I think a lot more ppl could be “gud” if given the opportunity.
I did the mage tower and I was frustrated but I did not call for nerfs.
Look around at how many ppl have left. A lot of the original WoW players are older and do not have time to dedicate to pushing high keys or dedicate their time to a raid group a few times a week. Also, some players do not have the desire either.
Something needs to be done for casual/solo players as casual (not necessarily solo) have been the backbone of this game for most of its life.
Torghast could have been neat but I do not enjoy it much at all.