End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

Don’t you have some 2200 boosts to purchase so you can brag about them?

Where did I brag and why would I brag about 2.2k

Will it be needed, or needed to not have to think about what you are doing? I haven’t beta tested 9.2 but I imagine I could walk over there on my sub 220 pally and complete every quest available week 1.

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I think the answer is both TBH.

You bragged about it in a previous thread and got laughed out of the GD forums because of it.

Every one was laughing at you in that thread.

That would be a very fair assessment


I try to never brag and if I did, it wouldn’t be bc I was 2.2k

I don’t understand why solo players need raid quality gear to do solo content.

I’ll do the same and my army of alts as well,I really don’t care if they are jealous of the gear level if it helps I’ll will do it regardless the reedit.

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I don’t know why raiders complain.

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Disagree there. It was a good start to getting into endgame content for alts


…level 54.

Yes. I suppose it would. It would be even more difficult to be 210ilvl at level 54.

LOL, if they do survive a mythic dungeon maybe :rofl:

It would take more time to get to 233 from Korthia than to get to 210 or 220 in Korthia and start just doing content. 210 is enough for most of normal SoD, 220 is enough for early Heroic SoD. 210 is enough for +5s, 220 is good for +10s

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I think at 54 you’re still capped at ~140 from M ny’alotha gear.

Speak for yourself, I’m a tank, I don’t die to world anything.

Well, unless I auto-run off a cliff or something…


Timegate wonder the vault there and after the fact gear,better to do korthia then wait forever through repeated gearing.

Yeah, sometimes those ops are a classic beauty.

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… Heroic raid drops 239 (239|246>233), normal may be lower or equal, but it lets you skip some world grinding. If you consistently do +10s, you should have the score to upgrade your M+ gear to 239.

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I even have trouble pulling enough to die as a mage.

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