End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

Just so I don’t get attacked, I have no issue with them adding more solo content or rewards for it.

I’m just wondering, what other MMO has solo content to match high end dungeon/raid content with comparable rewards?

Definitely need solo content on par with raid rewards. And bring back the old honor system w/ top tier gear rewards.

There was one, for 1 expansion, but then it was reverted. That change made gear feel like a chore, rather than a reward.

They require pity when they fear the average gamer. It’s sad.

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He simply knows the change would have a negative impact on how he plays the game. You don’t need to fear other players to argue against the devs adding an extra chore for you to do.

Explain that to him, I guess.

No clue why people like him fear casual players having a path to meaningful gear while participating in the content they enjoy.

It’s baffling.

  • Don’t like raiding? Don’t do it.
  • Don’t like M+? Don’t do it.
  • Don’t like PVP? Don’t do it.
  • Don’t like WQs? Don’t do them.

Play the game the way you want to.

Because that’s not the reason he’s arguing against it.

If you say so. It has all the hallmarks of fear-driven defensiveness.

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From what I have been able to gather, he argues against it because he will likely be “forced” to do it to keep his raid slot or along those lines.

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It would be an extra chore that a player would be expected to do in order to raid mythic early in the season.

Notice how one of the bigger community reactions to release torghast was to call it choreghast?

I’m going to go out on a limb here, and say that wow players in general do not like things that feel like chores.

And a significant number of the changes asked for in this thread would turn the outdoor world from an area to explore, discover secrets, and just have fun in, into a chore.


So you only help paying customers. Or your friends’ alts, provided your friends can also return the favor in kind.

Hint: charging people for a service isn’t actually “helping” them at all. That’s like saying the restaurateur is “helping” his customers, rather than providing a service for payment rendered.

I’ll just add my voice to the many, many, many others here disappointed in the solo gameplay options that WoW has devolved to.

Having re-experienced Classic and TBC, it’s pretty clear to me now the game used to be FAR more generous to casual solo players in the gear, rewards, economy, etc. available to them and somewhere along the line everything started being designed only for mythic raiders and high-end M+.

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Yeah, but sometimes I wonder if we get the shore version because people can’t make the connection that some of it might be a chore, I.E. getting the cloak upgrades from visions or the legos from Torghast, and then those who do more get to enjoy things, like going for Mad world or pushing into Torghast.

Just as an example, I recall Torghast, when it was first mentioned, as being something that everyone will have to do, but those who do more then that minimum get more from it. If that more included gear, which at the start could be equal to world content, or just above if there was a scaling difficulty, and as the season progressed, the gear got better, never better or even equal to mythic raid gear, just better then world content gear.

Thing is, world content is already a chore, because once you have everything you need from it, there is nothing left to discover, explore or have fun in. Gear does not need to enter the equation, though it often does because that is a common reward for discovering secrets and exploring. But what would be wrong if, in addition to ZM, they made a senario like the vault of the thunder king or an area like Isle of Giants, where the rewards are more cosmetics or pets/mounts and the mobs are at the at the point you need to either group up to kill them (if you don’t have group content gear) or avoid them?


So, as the game currently stands, I don’t think we currently have an outdoor world that aptly fits that description. If anything, the idea that there’s nothing really worth discovering in the open world makes it feel like a chore, especially since they’re designed around being a time sink to gate whatever the current expansion system is at the time.

Exactly! You beat me to it.

Sure he does.

Guys so crazy that he’s willing to cut off a whole subsect of the community for his own benefit.

Good to know you are in favor of more chores for other people in game.

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Yes, the game should be designed around logging in to raid two nights a week and logging out for the other five.

Keep the sub fee the same though.

Anything that screws over the prestige of the high end raiders is a positive to me.

Rather people have fun than to drool over fake achievements.

I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not, because that should be a viable playstyle to a reasonably high level.

Yet you are but 1 person, and there are 10s of thousands of players that you would describe as ‘high end raiders’

Inverse is true for all the other players who’ve bailed on this game.