End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

And what do you do with the rep you farm for SL? Being timegated doesn’t make it more interesting. It’s the same thing in slices preordained by Blizz.

I’ve specifically mentioned moving on to alts, because it’s better to farm certain reps while doing the adjoining campaigns for the covenant that character is in. It’s basically meaningless to farm all those reps on one character.

It’s not trying to be PvP. It’s verses a computer that acts as a timer. Regardless, what’s your point? How aren’t those and warfronts content?

And your running theme is hyperbole. I’m talking about running out of meaningful progression on my main and moving toward alts/old content a week after renewal, following a two year break, something that has never happened to me with such ease in any expansion prior.

One of the main complaints of MoP, for instance, was too many dailies. Another was the length of the Cloak questline. Those complaints are like saying there’s too much to do. You’re the only person I’ve seen yet claiming SL has “vastly more things to do solo play and in the world” than other expansions.

What is it exactly that you’re doing that’s so meaningful and content filled?

You are required to get a high enough ilvl so that you can get invited to another players group, but you can only get the high enough ilvl by being invited into the groups in the first place to obtain the high enough ilvl. Solo content needs to be onpar with entry ilvl so players can become raid ready to join groups to play with others.


Repeat from the original Warcraft game box:

“Form Powerful Alliances
Play solo or enlist fellow heroes to join forces with you as you negotiate the vast, battle-scarred landscape of a world at war”

It appears that your post is void.


Lol /10 characters

Times have changed because they added systems like the wardrobe, transmog, mount collections. We have asked for accountwide reps since MoP. That never happened. But those things would have made the experiences more solo friendly and account wide features is what makes all that solo play much more valuable.

I’d argue accountwide rep would be a nice way to make the game more player and solo friendly and that is something we wanted for a long time.

It felt horrible to do those weeklies to unlock august celestials, had to grind a whole faction to unlock earning rep towards another one. It was annoying to grind those factions for the recipes on alts to be able to use like enchants and stuff. RN they don’t lock enchants behind reps like they used to. And… the game and community changed too. Culture was way different back then. I remember doing all that in a pvp server which was annoying at times depending on what time you played… lol… But you got decent gear in casual pvp for that, something not true today. And players skill overall is much higher then back then in general.

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The higher the ilvl of open world content, the higher these requirements are adjusted. Meanwhile, interim content meant to help you catch up becomes obsolete which makes catching up harder.

Who does normal raids this patch? No one. Normal is dead, slain by Korthia rewards. Same with low M+. What this does then is kills progression content for players, doesn’t make it easier for players to progress, and also increase the grind required before you can start playing content.

Blizzard has the right idea with 9.2. By lowering the ilvl of open-world gear, players who actually want to progress into real content can actually play Normal, can actually play lower M+ keys, get gear, advance into Heroic raids, then advance from there into Mythic raids.

They added Zandi Rare farming and Dungeon repping back then, but I agree, account-wide rep is something that should’ve happened years ago.

Along with decent gear in casual pvp, there was also decent gear…or at least xmog that looked similar to great gear…from LFR. That was trashed in WoD.


If you want to quote a box from 2004 I’d recommend playing Wow classic.

Shadowlands has more to do in the world than farm rep and mats like BC… how many times I gotta say that?

They are content, again you keep saying stuff I never said and making a strawman argument.

What hyperbole, please elaborate.

Covenants and all their stuff, from mount farming to mog to toys. There is no way you did it all in one week. This is also all solo content unlike stuff you keep listing.

Secrets in the world, actually going out and trying to get the unicorn hidden in the mist took time for example.

MoP is one of my fav xpacs but beyond rare hunting and the farm it had nothing for the solo player till major patches.

You keep using group content in an argument about solo players.

Pugging raids is more annoying imo because of the low loot drop rates. It also competes with vault loot you get from other stuff.

I would probably like doing raids if you could upgrade the loot with valor and or have a transmog roll/currency to buy the raid transmogs/mounts/pet drops.

I think those past raids at least should be considered legacy loots so people have reason to transmog past raid tiers in BFA and Shadowlands. I would probably do raids more if the loot drops for transmog were decent… they aren’t unless you solo them years later. If you got a currency for running them say weekly and do the raid like 10 times, or however it would be nice to have a vendor to buy the transmog sets and weapon transmogs. And in valor cap they should be upgradeable with valor like the mythic plus loot to the valor cap.

It is nice to have trinket options from the raid for mythic plus, that weekly event is definetly worth doing when it’s up.

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No wonder WoW has lost over 3 million players this year.


Also, trivialize content after one expansion, rather than two.

It’s the disconnect people like Ion have when they heard ‘‘let loot be loot’’.

It’s why I feel this developer team is just in their own twilight zone when designing for this game.


No, they are equivalent to S1 using your own math. max world quest ilvl back then was 194 at renown 29. This is just them reverting the buff to world gear that was Korthia.

By rated PvP gear, I’m pretty sure they just mean conquest gear, which has no rating requirement to get the base item.

Then it should be difficult again.

not being able to bigpull doesn’t make you unable to complete the quest, just makes it slower. 220 is currently more than enough to kill all the solo rares in korthia, you might need to use cooldowns though. and as for soloing old raids at 220, it didn’t really get spicy for me until M avatar or M Eonar for me.


Well on one hand you have the Game Director who was literally from the guild called Elitist Jerks, and then on the other hand you have the President that gets carried in high lvl keys for his Twitch stream.


There it is, right at the end! The reason why i nor any other player like me will never take advice from someone like you. WHO asked for high end rewards? Might wanna try reading my other replies, and also the reason the OP actually made the post!!


No one said anything about high lvl rewards, only entry lvl rewards for low lvl raids and mythic+ groups.

… That’s what 249 is next patch. it’s the same as LFR end boss, which is more than enough to do most of normal, even +10 keys.

You stated you farmed rep for a week with BC and were done. I’m asking how that’s different than rep you farm in SL. In other words reps and mats are equal, aside from the fact they mattered more back in the day as a form of progression.

And yet you still can’t tell me your point when you said, “Want to be pvp,” which came off as a dismissal of their existence.

^ On this one, BFA also had two zones, one an island, in 8.2.

And then you named 4 things in the following post (covenant stuff, mount farming, xmog, toys) that all have equivalents in other expansions. That’s not a vast difference. Not a difference at all. Class Halls, for example, were more involved than covenants, and there were relics for every spec.

What? Sl has had a major patch and only has one more coming, but MoP had Brawler’s Guild, archaoelogy (missing from SL) the dino island, hidden treasures all over (these started with that expansion), Pet Battles were introduced, then they added Thunder Isle, Timeless Isle, and Krasarang with later patches. It also had unique pets that had to be tracked for hunters because the ones in MF were a big hit.

Yes, as I explained I solo queue and no one talks. Might as well be farming a dungeon alone.

Let me also add, other expansions added a new class, race, new race/class options, or Allied Races. MoP gave us both a new class and a new race.

Most insightful, heartfelt response I have ever read on the forums. :blue_heart: