End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

:rofl: The game is already breaking.

If things don’t change to support more player gearing paths the game won’t make it. The writing is on the wall and has been for a long time now.


I’d be content if the entire expansion’s zones stayed relevant.

For some, the toughest competition is not others, it is themselves. What kind of content would be nice if people only want to compete with themselves, beat their last record, push farther then the last time, etc.?

Maybe all people are asking for is the tools to make their own challenges/content yet such keep getting shot down by those who can’t think outside the box or their own thinking of “this content is not competitive because you are not competing against others”.

Honestly, I think it’s far more complicated.

Trust me when I say that they have not done any favors for the “Elite” in the game in its overall design. In fact if you ask me, saying that Blizzard has a war on solo gameplay is just one of many wars being fought because the Devs have a mentality that they know better and when their ideas blow up in their face after ignoring all the feedback from Alpha, that’s when they make change.

But in terms of solo play, I believe the actual issue when it comes to going out into the open world is players are realizing how dry, empty and souless the world of Azeroth is when it comes to exploration and rewards.

It shows when they have to essentially require all players to partake in World Quests in order to progress their character. And I think most players can agree that a majority of them are a boring grind. And for me personally it burnt me out of 2 expansions.

If the request is for the game to house a progression system for players who want to essentially play by themselves, then I’m going to have to respectfully disagree.

However I do think the game should be more innovative in how they create content as well as incorporate actually good looking cosmetics for solo content so players can feel like they’re actually being rewarded for their time played but also at the same time not step over players who are playing the game on a competitive level.

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Yeah, they haven’t been doing anyone any favors.


I mean
M+ is a relatively new thing, allowing dungeons to be ‘competitive’ with raids for gearing. Prior to that, dungeons were basically at the point where questing/solo content still is as far as gearing goes. If it’s acceptable for dungeons to be expanded upon without entirely ‘invalidating’ raids, does it not follow that the same could be done for solo-focused content without ‘invalidating’ dungeons (or raids)?

I don’t know if you’d really be ‘forced’. I mean, you admitted you basically skipped over Visions as much as possible back in 8.3, so just imagine that this hypothetical solo content would be in a similar spot as those. Not really something that someone like you would have to engage with. Also, this whole ‘Blizzard is forcing me to do something I don’t like!’ is kind of a cop-out. I can’t be the only one who just doesn’t do stuff that I don’t enjoy when it comes to gaming, am I? I know some people basically ‘torture’ themselves doing things they actually don’t find fun due to lack of self-control or whatever other reason, but I personally ain’t one of those people. Kinda why I never ended up buying Shadowlands lol

You clearly didnt read what I said. I was able to skip them because I came back halfway through the patch and was getting carried through mythic bosses and rotated out for prog till I was able to get caught up for prog.

But I would, especially early in the patch.

If I want to raid at a mythic level I have to be competitive which means doing things I don’t really like to do what I actually like. I am going to assume you have never raided at that level and dont know how it works.

Most mythic raid guilds have a roster of 25 fighting for 20 spots. If person A does all their mythic plus and whatever solo visions version you want and person B doesnt they are less likely to be in for prog.

So as usual you are commenting on things you dont understand or have experience in.

That’s where they messed up with Shadowfail imo. Invasions, and assaults in Legion, and BFA kept all the zones relevant for the biggest part of two years. In Shadowfail you just had them in the Maw a zone that a lot of players despised for the most part. It made the other zones useless outside of gathering enema to fill up the enema bathtub lol. If they have assaults, invasions in Dragonfail, then hopefully they won’t make the same mistake, but ya they probably will lol.


Solo players who are currently hamstrung at 250-255 item levels (depending on how much gold they are willing to pay for legendaries) would be able to clear 9.2 content that has not been soloable until now (including Torghast and more difficult Zereth Mortis content) if they were granted access to higher item levels 278-285 in Season 4, hence I used the term “catch up”.

Giving a wider variety of players progression is not allowing them to skip content, but providing them with content in and of itself. And in this case, a higher progression cap would allow more players to clear content that had been too frustrating until now. Two birds with one stone! (This is all assuming that WoW devs actually want more subs, and don’t want Torghast to go to waste.)

Elitist devs were willing to accept sub losses for nerfing solo content, but are elitist players really going to be willing to accept the consequences of removing solo gameplay entirely? Would you pay more than twice as much for your sub, or be happy if WoW went free-to-play but with a more pay-to-win business model? (Because raider subs don’t pay for raid design.)

Content creators and devs create a misleading impression that everyone does competitive content, but there is a “silent majority” of players that primarily do outdoor and legacy content.

Season 4 is a new product based on recycled assets. Any assets could have been recycled to target any audience, but in this case the assets were recycled into a product that only targets the hardcore minority.

Elitism is irrational and based on emotion.

The main fiction at play here is the claim that WoW is dying because it doesn’t force players to group up anymore. The failure of Shadowlands has proven that forcing players to group up is having the opposite effect.

Endgame is whatever players do at max level. World content is not just for catch up if that is all that you do.

Yes. Sorry, at the time of my original post, 246 was the max level obtainable from ZM. The Cypher gear upgrades to 252 were tacked on right before the patch went live.

Season 4 may flop horribly, as it seems to offer little for solo or casual players other than a few one-time questlines.

But of course, elitist devs and players will blame any failure of Season 4 on the fact that it was recycled content, rather than the fact that it offers very little for the majority of potential WoW players.

WoW Vanilla FELT more solo friendly than SL does now. All I wanted to do was level up to max level and unlock more talents, buy a mount, or max out professions, and I was able to do that.

I never thought I would raid or even understood what it was, but then I got invited to raid by my guild and it wasn’t that bad. Raiding was a more positive and inclusive experience back then.

Hundreds of hours of leveling, and having each gear upgrade or talent point matter, was indeed solo content.

Even the Wrath expansion, which saw WoW hit its sub peak, had tons of questing content and accessible dungeons.

No wonder that Cata saw WoW start to lose subs. Just look at the quality and quantity of leveling content, not to mention hardcores getting their way with harder Heroic dungeons.

What? Hardcore raiders complaining about having to do WQs and emissaries is how the banger of an expac Legion got watered down into BfA, then eventually SL.

Hardcore raiders complaining about conduits in 9.0 and 9.1 is why casual and solo players can only earn conduit DOWNGRADES in 9.2 for doing ZM content.

The plummeting sub numbers prove that it isn’t wise from a business perspective to force out the majority of your customers to please the minority that is so hopelessly addicted to your product that they were going to stay regardless.

Nope, devs listened to the raiders saying that their gear rewards felt devalued in BfA.

Solo players in SL are saying they want better gear because of the huge nerfs. We went from being able to earn Heroic / near-Mythic in all slots in 8.3, to the current lower Normal / upper LFR that we have in 9.2.

It can be a scary thing to have your delusions challenged. But the reality is that probably less than half of WoW players don’t do competitive content, but will still expect gear upgrades in the new season.

Rest assured, solo and casual players coming (back) to WoW and enjoying progression is in no way going to hurt you. Ion is never going to let them have max item level BiS gear and not you.

This is the lie implied by many content creators and elitist players. The truth is that an overwhelming portion of players end each patch in “catch up” gear, and only get upgrades when the next patch’s “catch up” gear comes out.

The best gear coming from group content is OK, as long as the item level gap is not 30-40 item levels as it is currently. That is more than a season or year’s worth of power differential.

Players who never step foot in “competitive environments” just want progression in their MMO, and the difficulty and rewards from competitive content may as well be in another game because it does not affect them in the slightest.

Not quite. WoW has been dying for years now precisely because it has been clinging to the idea that all an MMO needs to do is keep making raids.

Agreed. People keep coming back to progression through WQs because that’s all that we have. WQs dropping gear is OK, but ideally more gameplay-related content like Island Expeditions and Torghast should be providing a higher cap for solo or casual power progression.



No one said it wasn’t lol.

Source? Because everything you say is either a flat out lie or not true at all.

Another lie. The only complaints about conduits were the cost of being able to change them. No one complained about the item levels.

Again source? Solo players arent the majority.

You should be thankful you even get normal gear. Seriously Korthia proved casuals just want free BiS gear.

They seem to have a better gearing system in BFA.

Shadowlands feels like a huge dip but I personally like Warfronts over Boreghost.


Neither are the raiders.


I’d like a realm equivalent to using cheat codes in other games, kind of like a fun Godmode completely detached from the regular game. You can create characters that start at max level and buy full BiS, every consumable, full progress on all systems. Full professions and every class gets lust/brez.

Unlike the tournament realm or PTR, which is not always available and you have to sign up to enter, this realm would be available for everyone and have “permanent” progress in the form of characters who are never deleted, mogs and mounts that you can unlock on those realms specifically (the stuff you unlocked transfers from retail → OP servers but not the other way around). So, very similar to the PTR but your progress matters.

I always question why people doing solo content, need high gear.

I think the cap is 252 in the zone if you max out the tree thing

If you aren’t raiding or doing M+ or pushing PvP, why do you need good gear anyway? Having the option to get equal to normal gear seems like a good ilvl to get if you only solo play.

If gear was too high, raiders and such would feel forced to grind it, and frankly I like not having to grind.


Korthia proved what a bad system does to players. It makes them quit.


Never claimed they were.

However raiders are a higher percentage than solo players.

Korthia awarded too high of an ilvl of gear which is why ZM went lower and people got mad cause free gear wasnt good enough.

I am glad this thread is still going. Too bad most people here are completely mindless and against fun lol.

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Incorrect assessment but nice try!

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