End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

Yeah, I’ll agree that there isn’t a “war” on solo gameplay. It’s just a terrible game for delivering content.

You were beta, cool. I am only launch day -but I was 35 then. Also like I said I was EQ day 1 as well in 99 and we all know WoW is just an EQ clone made easier.

BTW wanna flex and show a PvP title like I am? I hate PvP but figured I would try it out when they introduced BGs. Was kind of a waste since it wasnt leveling though

You do realize achievements are a thing, right?

Yeah but I am not like you keyboard warriors on the forums so I dont look that deep into others profiles. its creepy.

I got my problems but I dont need that much attention from others on a web forum to keep arguments like this going

I figured it was weirder to make a claim while ignoring the blatantly obvious evidence countering said claim right in your face. I mean you do you, if you want to appear as you have the consistency of loose banana pudding in terms of brain matter, be my guest lol.

Thank you for attacking my disability but you do you. Be as hateful as you need to be.

I’ll tell ya what though, it it makes you feel better and salves you bruised ego, you can go about the rest of your day puffing your chest out feeling like you out argued a disabled old man on a video game forum. Ill forget in 5 minutes but if it makes you feel better, I am happy to bring a little sunshine into your world :rainbow:


Im generally happy with the solo progression, its just the few things like no weapon or trinkets available at our 252 max for world content, or having to downgrade to 246 to be able to get the tier set.

The problem is the feeling that we always have to have obvious things to make us feel like second class customers when we pay the same as everyone else. Who would it have hurt to let us earn that tier at 252 along with the rest of our “endgame” gear or have 252 trinkets or weapons to go along with it. It just gives the elites ammo to use that we don’t count and shouldn’t even be playing this game. I enjoy it for what it is besides these little “digs” to keep us down. If they wanted the world endgame to have been 246, they should have left it at that and this wouldn’t even be a thing.

WAKE UP BLIZZARD, these little things matter to my game, and i’m sure to many others.


What bruised ego, I’m not the one that made themself look like a clown lol. You do realize that it was YOU that started getting personal, right? Granted, based on this thread alone and the fact you seem to struggle to read my posts, it’s safe to assume you probably don’t even read your own either.

One of the personal annoyances is that world quests and things don’t scale past their patch level. Stuff in the main world stays around 213, stuff in Korthia and the Maw caps at 220, and since you can get 226 greens from ZM, where’s the incentive?

It seems very silly and dumb for Blizzard to literally limit stuff in current content.

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Neat, still didn’t change what I said though lol.

It goes this high? I stopped doing ZM after getting flying, I’m more focused on getting my alts to 226 at the moment.

No one is saying you can’t play the game solo. However the primary endgame has always been group content.

So yes it’s a terrible argument to say that because the box says you can play solo means that you should have equal gear to group content.

Just because you can play solo doesn’t make it the priority in the game.

Show me where I said you said that?

They have achievements dating back to 2008, which is when they came around. So you’re being foolish here.

Yeah once you max out the cypher board. It’s not a bad system. It’s just not as good as the tome system in FFXIV which is a better version of the Wrath currency system.

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You mean the ones everyone got and not the ones that said they did any content?

Keep in mind, you should probably read what that was in response to. For some reason he wanted to call me a wrath baby and then proceed to talk about a PvP title that I have multiple ranks higher of lol.

sadly it’s gonna be useless in S4, Solo players will only have a shot at new gear via the 6 WBs that will change to mirror whatever that week’s Fated Raid is, in another words Antros for Sepulcher weeks, what’s-his-face in the Maw during SoD weeks and 1 of the 4 zone WBs during Nathria weeks.

good luck seeing any of those drops…

Yeah, Season 4 is when I’ll likely let my Sub stay dropped while I go get caught up in FFXIV. I have no problem with this. Feel bad for people who only play this game, however.


The LFR versions of Fated Raids drop 265/272 gear as well so it’s not just World Bosses.

This game has always had a good amount of solo activities, from launch until this day.

If it hadn’t, I would venture to say it might not still be around.

