End game lvling still physically painful due to botting

My god you people just don’t care about your games. How many multiboxing bots need to be reported? Your supposed ban wave did nothing.

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Just call in the opposite faction for bot cleanup.

if enough people report them, they get auto banned so just do that

Entire areas stripped bear with nothing to kill lol it would be comical if it weren’t so infuriating. Just empty zones like wtf come on blizz.

Activision doesn’t care about the integrity of classic (or wow in general). That’s why they let bots run rampant for subs.


Of course it did. The botters just buy more accounts. With the Warrior/Priest/Mage/Mage/Mage multibox garbage, they level stupid fast.

Keep reporting.

You don’t have to buy an account to play Classic.

Throw more money at blizzard*

Requires subscription still though yeah?

Maybe this is why botting is so common, but it really doesn’t cost botters much of anything to ban their accounts. Depending on when they get banned in the billing cycle it could be a buck or two.

Bro, your supposed to use the bots to level through ZG pulls.

Sticky blue post, they ban 2-4K PER DAY.
Go read it.

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Multiboxing is a valid, allowed, and community-enriching style of gameplay.

Botting is completely unrelated to multiboxing and is not allowes.

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multi boxers are more detrimental to the game than bots.


Few actually care that real multi boxers do their thing.

What you seem to be missing is the insane number of botters and RMT’s that utilize multi boxing to do their dirty work.

There is a reason why people associate the two, because there are probly more RMT multi boxers than real players.

Multiboxing is trash and the fact that Activision allows it for subs just shows how little they care about the game.


That is called “competition”. It has happened to me a lot. Botting is not the only source of competition. If you are a hi-level and you want to farm an area, LOTS of other high-levels ALSO want to farm that area. If you are farming for something expensive, so are lots of other players.

That is especially true on high-pop servers, where there are far more high-level players than the zone was designed for in 2005.

It isn’t “bad” and isn’t “botting” or “cheating”. It is just a problem for you to deal with.

Activision does not allow it. That’s a lie. That lie assumes that Activision CAN eliminate cheating, and chooses not to. Activision can’t.

No-one in the world can. The richest Casinos in the world have cheaters. The IRS has millions of tax cheaters. Anyplace there is money, there is cheating.

So this lie isnt even a smart guess. It is pure imagination, nothing more.

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They don’t utilize multiboxing, they utilize bots. Botting is automation, multiboxing is not Botting one or more accounts is still botting and not multiboxing. That is the key difference.

Suppose you have not seen the legions of multi boxing RMT’s pathing around in their little trains 1 priest and 3 or 4 mages.

no, i just had 19 people in kargath report or atleast say they did with a mage bot selling ports in kargath and before you say its a macro or some other legit way to do it the second you hit enter after typing org you are invited with only miliseconds between hiting enter and the invite ariving. i realy dont thing a person can target and hit the /inv macro in .25 seconds