<ENCORE> (A) | Voted Best Alliance PvE Guild | Grobbulus (RP-PvP)

TO THE TOP! Let’s go boys

And girls!!!

Up up and away

this bunch of toxic tryhards are very far below server #1 and us#28…

Like that’s just, your opinion man. Before everyone left their servers to come pollute GrobbMob we were #1 and #28th overall.

Sure, transferred in guilds took down our time, but we are very far from being toxic try hards(in our opinion).

We were actually awarded Best Alliance PvE Guild on the server by all of Azeroth on Grobb. A feat that we were both very honored and humbled by.

So this new account, free role level 55 DK trying to troll our post is noted. However well still just keep on keeping on(Hells never more than 1/2 full so just let the negative peeps go about their lives) and continue to enjoy all of Azeroth…Including Blackwing Lair which launches in just 7 days!!!

And yes, we are still accepting people. Quality of person > skill. We can teach peeps how to play…We cant teach people how to act. Cheers!

We are still recruiting, currently looking for both Mages and Holy Paladins for our Wed/Sunday raids. Please reach out to us in game or discord for more info.

We got these three raid teams looking for more friends to join the crew…Are you a Mage, Paladin, shoot just good person?!? Hit us up!!!

Plug to say we still looking for awesome peeps!

The War of the Shifting Sands has finished, the gong has been rung and the Seal is now Broken on Grobbulus! We have earned our Scarab Lords without Collusion :wink: and are actively recruiting all classes for social and raid spots to our 3 raid teams! Come join the fun!!!

do you give out pall malls?