Enable Joyous Journey

WoTLK desperately needs something to breathe some life into the game until phase 3. Things are way too stagnant right now and the lack of communication from Blizzard is troublesome. This would buy some time for Blizzard to figure things out.


Joyous journey helped kill the old worlds, not “breathe some life” into them. You’re barking up the wrong tree, like everyone that defends this crap. What would actually help is LFD for classic/crusade. The content needs to be more fun and accessible, not simply raced through faster.

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Bad take

People level when JJ is up, the vast majority simply don’t when it’s not.

Who can be bothered slugging through their 3rd/4th/5th character with no JJ?

I mean I am currently but I’m a masochist but also because it was either level a new alt or get so disinterested with the game after 6-7-8 weeks of just raid logging and just quit

Adding JJ back will populate the world way more than rdf would

Dungeon finder will just have people afk in cities like they do on retail


And like theyre doing on wotlk, you forgot that part conveniently


Is that to me? In reference to afking in cities on wotlk?

You’d never cap a character given the state of the group finder

jj = more people levelling
More people levelling = more dungeon groups


The funny bit is dps, at least, is not even in the cities in retail.

With the famed dps wait dps it’s highly advised to go run quests.

I have a very nice system for WoD and legion where I can hammer out 5 quests in minutes flat, all in the same area. 5 quests done for killing literally the same mobs.

And this hammers out 1 to 2 levels in 30 minutes easily. A much faster leveling experience is the result.

In retail sitting in the city is actually the worst and slowest way to level really. Those doing it, are doing it very wrong imo lol.

It’s not 2009 anymore.

The proof is in the pudding,

Open world is dead, there’s few people to level with.

JJ is the only answer, RDF will just have people afking in cities watching stuff on their second monitor until queue pops.

JJ will have people socialising, making groups for dungeons and teaming up on quests

Rdf is a detriment

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“I don’t want to play unless leveling is nerfed by 50%!”

Found the retail tourists.

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Respectfully disagree on all points but you’re welcome to your opinion as I am mine

I don’t understand you people and your faux tribalism over a version of the game like it’s some sort of insult

It’s pretty embarrassing


Agreed, add RDF.


U are right its not 2009 original wrath had features classic doesnt have like xserver pve capabilities. As for jj you dont need to do any low lvl dungeon with jj when u simply out lvl them making that gear useless.

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Citation needed.

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Enable RDF, and turn off Joyous Journeys while you’re running a dungeon that was queued for?


I’m up for it! I loved Joyous journey to level up some alts


100% agree game is dying/dead due to months of Ulduar, people are raid logging and the overall population are dropping like flies


enable jj permanently until 68 or 70 where you hit wrath…add a toggle for it.
As rdf. don’t it if you don’t want to


Just level normally, we don’t want the people who magically come back because of JJ

Blizzard simply doesn’t care. The proof is in the missing pudding.

Even with JJ there is no racing through anything, unless you don’t have a job or life and play 6+ hours a day.