Empowered release conduit

Where does one find better version of this one to drop. I’m having far too much fun ans venth with the new venth leggo and I would like more kill shots please. All I have is the 1st rank atm.

The only place that the Covenant conduits drop are the old world bosses. Apart from that you will need to use Soultwining Crecents from Korthia and Death-Bound Shards from Torghast and The Archivists’ Codex to upgrade your conduits beyond ilv 200.

Soultwining Crecents drop from Korthia rares, events, chests, mawshrooms and other lootable nodes. This can be used to upgrade your lowest item level conduit one rank up to a maximum item level of 226. The conduit chosen is always your lowest and random if multiple are at the same low level.

Death-Bound Shards are the new ones that can be used to upgrade up to 252. They work the exact same as Soultwining Crecents. The Death Bound SHards can be bough from “The Archivists’ Codex” quartermaster Archivist Roh-Suir located in a cave in the Korthia quest hub. They cost 3000 Cataloged Research per shard and can only be bought once your Tier 6 reputation (aka exalted) This will require you to do dailies plus all the things you would do to unlock Soultwining Crecents as those same things will reward items to increase your reputation.

Death Bound Shards can also be acquired once weekly from the Adamant Vaults in Torghast. The vaults can be accessed if you are layer 9 or above and get a Flawless (5 starts) and have the perk by the same name unlocked from “The Box of Many Things”. The perk is in the 3rd row and requires you to spend 250 Tower Knowledge in the first two rows and cost another 100 itself.
The Adamant Vaults seem to have a weekly loot lockout from the final boss meaning more runs will not yield more shards.

Here are some tips for you to try and get caught up on this less the fantastic system.

  1. Do your daily Korthia. You will want to use Soultwining Crecents to catch up conduits to 226 so do all the activities listed above that drop them. Doing the quests and other activities will also yield items to turn in to the The Archivists’ Codex which will eventually let you get conduits. I would also recommend saving all Catalogued Research for this same reason.

  2. Do a layer 9 Torghast and get Flawless to do a weekly Adamant Vaults run. This should be fairly easy if your around 210 to 220 item level.

  3. Save any Death Bound Shards you get until you are at minimum above 226 item level on all your conduits. Farther more you can save them longer if your a raider or run a fair amount of keys. Several other conduits can drop at higher item levels and have there level set by the difficulty of the content. This can eliminate some of the wasted shards on less desirable conduits.

This system is over all really bad with how out in the wind it leave you and how much time you need to sink daily and weekly just to get a small upgrade or even just a chance at one. I wish you best of luck on your drops and I hope this has been helpful!