Good, because clearly you don’t understand that using 1.12 data and delivering content in stages is exactly what they are doing and what people are talking about when they say “mismatched content.”
I couldn’t tell if you were being willfully ignorant or otherwise but I’m relieved to know that you are done barking up the wrong tree.
Don’t claim victory because someone else is sick of trying to explain to you something you don’t understand, if you want them to stop responding. You’re wrong, you just won’t accept it.
All the pieces that comprise each phase release come from the same 1.12 version. They are pulling nothing from prior versions and cobbling it together. All they do is throw switches in the code to inhibit functions until the designated phase begins.
I’m saying that using 1.12 balance and itemization from the beginning is “Frankenstein” because we’re not really going to see game balance progress as it did in Vanilla.
Instead of understanding my perspective you just keep arguing about this Franken-patch thing, especially when Blizz has already written posts about how content and PVP are going to be handled.
A soft bet - when Classic goes live, venture to the WSG start area. I bet you will find all the artwork intact and ready to go, looking just as it did in 1.12. There will even be a portal into the BG but it, obviously, will not be active. You might even find the NPCs standing around, I can’t venture whether they would inhibit them or not. If they are present, they won’t have anything to sell you. But when Phase 3 starts, they throw a couple switches, the portal becomes active, and you can enter the instance.
This is not a combination of pieces from various patches. This is simply activating stuff that will all be present in the Classic rollout. All stuff from 1.12.
Frankenpatch has had widespread support since the project was announced. Even had a mention from J A Brack that you continue to ignore about wanting to know what versions of vanilla aspects we’d like to see in classic.
You may know we are all excited, but you underestimate the depths of it.
I have already drawn up a lvling talent build for my priest,
I have already done my professions that my 2 toons will have (rogue will be miner+herb and my priest will be engie+alchemist, cause you fear me grinding as a rogue, but stomp me as a priest.),
I have already made peace with looking for a PvX guild on a PvP server,