/Emote The Player Above You! 😁

Choose one /emote from WoW and use it towards the player above.

/hug, /rude, /chicken, /dance, /spit, /flirt, /kneel, /sit, /slap, etc, all is fair :smiley:

PS: /e not allowed.



Pokes Mortis’ ‘nose’

/dance :slight_smile: /cheer


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“So I have this idea for a great movie…”

/removes the warmth from your body.

/cast Fireblood


10 character

/pet :smiley:



Huh, I need more than 10 characters

If you need more characters, just add an emoji. They consume tons of characters. Sunglasses alone consumes 12 characters! :sunglasses:



(just kidding Mortis :slight_smile:)

If you don’t want an emoji, you can just type something in < >'s. I usually just do:

Hello. < tenchar >

Stuff in < >'s doesn’t display if you take out those spaces, and < tenchar > takes up 9, so it’ll make anything you want to say fit the requirement even if you don’t put a space before it.

Edit @Eldyrus:

Because you’re a smelly zombie.

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Because I’m a nice smelling zombie and more people need to know that.

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I was born for this


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