Emoji's that describe you and go!


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:boar: :mage: :evergreen_tree:




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:busts_in_silhouette: :dark_sunglasses:

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A cop in Texas? lmao

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Okay I got this… You have a sunny personality, you are the life of the party, cross dresser, and have a very optimistic outlook on life?


:thinking: :smiley_cat: :cat: :dragon: :rose: :fries: :popcorn: :taco: :beer: :us: :scorpius:





I was thinking more cold undead oozing plague and disease from his fingertips and necromanic powers from his swords.

But sure!

I interpreted the OP as asking about my character though when I originally posted.

If I went with IRL…

:horse: :poop:

Being a Blood sucker :vampire:

Is undead :woman_zombie:

Who rides a bat mount :bat:

Eats Gnomes :meat_on_bone::meat_on_bone:

And whacks bad Worgen doggies with rolled up newspapers

And hits people with rubber chickens when they’re being too corny :corn: :chicken::chicken::chicken:

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:poop::cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: because :pig2::man::eggplant: made me :pregnant_woman: so :face_vomiting:

