Emissary of War: 4 Mythics

I have also completed the 4 dungeons and logged for the night thinking I could do the turn in before reset and the quest has been removed from my quest log and the quest giver does not give me the ability to get the quest again.

Same problem here, im on OCE servers and just logged back on after realising i didnt hand the weekly in just to find it’s gone :frowning:

Same here. Just finished my 4 weekly and it was gone as I went to hand it in. Please mail me my 213 loot. Thanks

Yeah I was going to complete rest of the 3 but now it’s gone. Blizzard we want the 213 so bad. it should reset before weekly right ?>

yeah we need replies and explanation about this 4 mythic dungeon quest.

The same happened here. Will we win our item? OR AGAIN blizzard will “I do not care
” for its consumers.


Pues me paso lo mismo, complete las 4 mazmorras miticas y por arte de magia la mision desaparecio, hay alguna manera de hacer o de hablar con un GM? o simplemente perderemos el item, me tomo como 4 horas hacerlo porque fue con un alter y no invitan sin buen itm lvl

Me pasó exactamente lo mismo. Había finalizado la tercera dungeon y cuando comencé la cuarta me encontré con que la misión había desaparecido. Necesito hablar con alguien para poder obtener la recompensa, ya que estuve haciendo la misión con un alter.

Same issue here, looking at it right now. Completed 4 Mythics with still more than an hour before resets.

I hope blizzard helps us out. I also decided to get all my mythics done tonight with no reward =(

Same problem for me. Plz fix. I completed 4 dungeons and had the quest before I started the last. Finished 45 minutes before reset but quest was gone from logs.

Same problem for me. I completed 4 dungeons and finished before reset but quest was gone from logs. Pls fix this

Same for me as well. I finished the last mythic with 10 minutes left.

So like was previously stated in the thread, you did not turn in before it resets. The weekend event weekly always resets at like 4 am I believe. Don’t wait till last second then come running here to cry foul.

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Been playing this game for a decade and this might be the first time I have had to report a bug. So it’s taking forever to find . Same thing happened to me. The quest was gone when I was expecting a reward servers weren’t even close to reset. The Cache of Nathrian Treasure from Emissary of War quest was going to be a significant upgrade for me. I had to wake up before work to complete this.

Well, week reseted and no quest or feedback.

The calendar defines when the event begins and ends. It will not always end on the reset, there are specific times to when the event begins and ends if you’d simply just LOOK at the calendar and compare it to your realm time. I’ve answered this before with like the last two emissaries. Those ended at 4AM on the Gilneas server (EST), and my reset is at 10AM.

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@Aggretsuko unfortunately the calendar times aren’t always accurate. I’m in AU and the times world events are supposed to start happen almost 24h later for me. Thought it was Monday morning? Oh no, it’s actually Tuesday morning. Even though my realm is AU timezone it’s still incorrectly flagged.

Second, if you have a weekly event it would be better “quality of life” for these events to begin and end at the same time each week. There is no reason this can’t be the case. In fact, it makes more sense than picking random times. And the amount of people who bothered to fill in a ticket show there is agreement.

Third, I’m quite disappointed that nobody from Blizzard could even bother to reply to this. If not to resolve, then to at least give an explanation. It’s pretty frustrating considering we all pay good money to enjoy the game.

@valdemar how do you no there is no reason it can’t be the case? do you work at blizzard? And i’m sure there was an actual reason for why the time was set as it is. they don’t just randomly throw times out there. And why does blizzard need to make a comment on it when they have seen people give a correct answer to this over and over again?