Emerald Dream Alliance Reconnections

So many names I haven’t seen in years. How many are actually considering playing classic with any sort of regularity? If so, will you be recreating your old characters or doing something different?

• Dryearlylth NE Hunter was my main, also had a druid named Kilami but I also had a few twinks. 19 twink priest was Kenrael, 29 Twink Paladin was Anavel, 29 Twink Rogue was Djdry 29 twink warrior was Dorandy
• My hunter and druid were in Absolute, all of my twinks were in Dry In A Box
• Anyone from Absolute back in the day, or anyone from the 29 twink scene really. There was a 29 dwarf female paladin that we played with a lot, Disgustipate, finding him would be awesome!

Also, hi Nazum, remember the whole " Guys I gotta go my mom is here and she’s bleeding " thing? Haha


Lmao. What a trip, what you been up to?? Ever hear from Minnow?

I was a Human Paladin named Abzadrael and I was in Rensacor for like all of vanilla.

Man I don’t even know if I want to be remembered, I was like 14 and 15 years old back then, I’m sure I was a pain in the neck. But still, this is pretty cool.


@ Ivory - I remember doing some dungeons with you while with The Caliphate. Fun days back then with that group :slight_smile:


Vanilla Guilds : The Caliphate

BC : The Caliphate, The Legacy of the Sun [H]


Name: Athelas
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Guild: Bog Troopers/Holy Order of Dragons/Ashes of the Phoenix

Name : Uuladon (Informally known as Gar’s little brother)
Race : Night Elf
Class : Warrior
Guilds : The Caliphate, House Raindrake, That Gnomeregan guild that I can’t remember the actual name of, but you all know what I’m talking about



I was Duvell in Renascor. I remember your quitting WoW video, it was really sad. Makes me happy to see your name again.


Human Warrior (Fury PvE, Arms PvP)

Guilds: Maximum Prestige, On Cooldown, Axiom, and lots more.

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Hopefully we find a lot more from our old crew! :slight_smile:

Starcrossed, NE Priest
Ryuna, Human Warlock
Sairal, NE Druid

I don’t remember what guild I used to to be in, but still seeing a few familiar names!

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Silah human priesty, ran the hb tavern!

Aaaand shaelis! Ne hunter in the ye olde shanre before shaft took the reigns.

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Olderdude and Zymeth from Subsidium.
Technically more of out lifespan was in BC, but maybe I’m not alone in coming back!
Zeroloc, Deevan, you out there?

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Dajame, Dwarf, Paladin
Fatal Grace, The Caliphate, Illidans Wrath

Battletag #vezrias1308

Myschala, Human Warlock
Guild: Caliphate

shout out to:

Not remembering you. I remember Starbreeze and Fairchild though.
Though several of us did break away and go to Ravenholdt during BC

I’m planning on creating a different main for easier soloing since I mained a warrior. I don’t have as much time as I did back then. I’ll have a warrior alt for nostalgia.

Weren’t we in Dark Brotherhood and something else? We met HIchiuemon and Crusty in one of them as well as the others.

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Name: Kemosobie
Class/Race: NE, Rogue
Guilds: Absolute/High Impact
Names i remember/played with:
Emerson, Turnis, Elwind, Marisol, Ajex, Gnomersmasht n crew, jojukobu, donzoe, Si,Felor, Bearcat, Corinthian, Kitaro, Seppuku, Mortis, Vashen, Gellidus, Thom, Mick, Thump, Warcrazy, Kojack, Moriens, Skyline, Massaline,Acedeep, Arch, Elrad, Cerra, lavabeard, Cozy, Tenderloin and many more…good times.


Hi there Shaelis/Silah!

Long time no talk. I have a lot of fond memories from hb (Ivtanier) and shanre (Satoya). It’s great to see a familiar face.

Feel free to add me Arckeya#1177; it will be great to catch up.

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