Emerald Dream Alliance Reconnections

Character name: Fural
Race: Nightelf
Class: Druid
Guilds; Renascor, Caliphate, etc
Battle tag: Thoramus#11684
I remember the first person i ever came across was Axxo… I enjoyed my time in Goldshire with my RL brother Gerix and our buddy Makavellii who almost made Grand Marshal before BC with Caldor… My druid had the ZG raptor mount and i love healing.

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There was a NE Hunter named, Jaxxel (sp?) I just want you to know, I’ll be coming for you, once again… :smiling_imp:

I remember you, Amris!

Me: Arkangel, human rogue
Calaquendi, Crimson Alliance, a couple others briefly. Always happy to find old friends!

Edited to add btag: Araquiel#1472

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Seems like a lot of us ended up on either MG or WrA. <-- Arkangel

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Name: Dirck
Guild: Band of the Lily

Cant remember a lot of the names of those in the guild but we were a strictly twink guild for the 10-19 WSG BGs. We used to have a ton of competitive matches against Deeps (lvl 19 undead twink rogue) and his squad. It was always a good time.

Hey Amris! i remember you too!
I was Coymara- Dwarf Hunter.
I hope Alot of Crimson Alliance guys are gonna show up!


Character: Wolfs
Race: Dwarf
Class: Warrior
Guild: Eye for an Eye

Dang. I will say I originally had no real interest in Classic, but these names are bringing back some great memories! Ivory, Coymara, Amris, Arkangel, Turnis. Corinthian and 24 hour Alterac Valley battles…

Daedricks, Human Paladin
Corsar, Night Elf Rogue

BattleTag: KrawNight#1202

Dang. I will say I originally had no real interest in Classic, but these names are bringing back some great memories! Ivory, Coymara, Amris, Arkangel, Turnis. Corinthian and 24 hour Alterac Valley battles…

Daedricks, Human Paladin
Corsar, Night Elf Rogue

BattleTag: KrawNight#1202


I started playing at the end of classic and didn’t max until BC.

I only remember 2 people that I met before BC. I met them one day outside Ironforge, Neon and Rakeash.

Blardy - Gnome Warlock.

Gambit, Human Rogue
Bring the Ruckuck

Castiel, Human Paladin

GM: Stephakanoni

Hey guys! I’m looking for Nevvy! Is Nevvy here!? We use to trick perverts into RPing with Nevvy in Goldshire, invite them to voice chat and BAM. Nevvy was a man. Good times.
Also, I can’t remember his name, but I called him “Mythril Man” - he had a roommate that would turn on the microwave and disrupt his internet connection. He taught me about the art of mining and we would mine all across Azeroth together! “Hey Nypheria, wanna mine Mythril together?” and we would literally spend ALLLLLL day mining mithril. :slight_smile:

Mythril Man and Nevvy - if you’re here, add me! :slight_smile:

I had a serious alt problem until BC, I hope it is alright that I am trying to find my old BC guildmates to potentially play Classic with…

I played a Draenei Warrior named Astrius all the way through as an Arms warrior until my last few levels before cap. I then switched to prot for my guild and have been a tank ever since that point.

I do not recall names but if anyone remembers me from that time… I will be playing classic :slight_smile:

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Hey Amris, I remember leveling with your pally and some early raids together!

Talanzar Gnome Mage

Guilds: Crimson Alliance, Vindictive (and successors), Fallout

Battletag: Elanar#1609

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I go by Sour now.


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  • Ivtanier - Human Mage
  • Satoya - Night Elf Rogue


  • High Impact
  • House Blackstone
  • House De’Rathe
  • Shan’re lo dor Talah
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  • Tnsumi - Human Paladin
  • Luscient - Human Paladin


  • Sanguine Knights
  • Kingship of the East
  • The Loyal Company

Been a long time, and with the news that there will be a single RP-PVP Classic server, I’m hoping a lot of the old Emerald Dream crew (Oh right, The Crew! … no pun intended lol) are going to be finding themselves congregated there.

Hello, Swift and Gayla,
I was in Ashes of the Phoenix too!

Name: Nazum
Race: Gnome
Class: Warlock

Ashes of the Phoenix

Well hey! I remember you.
I joined KotE about the time Vestrell did in BC and stuck in it til Hinik disbanded in MoP.
I met Reclue on the last stress test and he’s planning to come back as well!