I remember all you guys! I was Altruism, Dwarf priest (later changed my name to Tuna). Currently on Blaumeux horde right now, hope youre all doing well. Nostalgia overload haha
Lasandra - Human Warrior
High Impact and Revenant
Massalin, Fearlis, Gomer, Acedeep, Retaliation, Skyline, Moriens, Moirenn, too many names from HI to list and along with the hard fought horde we faced.
Missing the good days of chatting it up and PvPing with you all.
Nice to recognize other names here that are still around.
did you roll alliance or horde?
Glad to jump over there and quest with you.
I was on earlier, but got DC’s early afternoon and then the crazy que times. I will shoot u an IM if I managed to get on and see u online. still in Brill i am afraid.
Nelf’s are so much easier to level
I was know as Katamoon and part of the Fashionistas waaay back in the day. I miss you all my friends! I hope some of you come back to classic and say hi!
my Battle tag is usmcscarface#1694
Are you playing Classic?
And I think the most memorable moments were how much we railed on Gloss … I miss those days!
Felischtove, Human, Mage, yeah, a fire mage, no one likes a fire mage but you. Looking for a Human Holy Priest Omiro
If it was a human paladin or warrior then I remember Derke, I used to do stuff with him. House Draconen? I remember Vercig too
Played as Signe, a dwarf warrior, and GM of Verdant Oath. Would love to catch up with anyone who was part of the VO or ran with us. Been a long time!
I remember hanging out with you when you were in your AQ gear
Character: Holifax
Guild: Shan’re lo dor Talah
Yes, Derke was a Paladin I believe! I’d love to get in touch with him somehow. The name Vercig rings a bell, but unfortunately I don’t remember them as clearly.
Omg i know right and how we would always hear the internet cafe background noise and how he would go on those roster cleanses… but i do intend to play classic but im gonna wait until the initial hype dies down.
How’ve ya been? Should find a way to add you…
Hey Bamf! How are ya?
I was Asu the human paladin, and Moina the night elf warrior. I switched to Thorium Brotherhood in early BC. There are a handful of folks I remember from Vanilla, and if you’re out there, it’d be fun to reconnect. (Rain for instance.)
Honestly, I gotta say, I found the RP better on ED than on TB. Something about the existence of the PVP element improved it, even if I didn’t do much with that. It made those moments of cross-faction connection waaay more memorable too. =D
Golman. Badly geared arms warrior of Crimson Alliance. Wondering how everyone is doing these days.
I remember you. I’m on Heartseeker, Dal the hunter. If you’re ever there hit me up.