ElvUI: Hide player and target frames?

Is there a way to hide the player and target unit frames when I am not in combat? you can hide all of the other elements but I cannot find that for the unit frames.

I’d like them hidden except for combat or mouseover - is there a way?

Thank you!

I don’t use the addon myself so I can’t give any guidance here, but since you haven’t gotten any hits yet, you might also try posting in the UI and Macro forum.
( https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/guides/ui-macro/35 )

ElvUI is very popular though so chances are somebody will drop a comment here for you, just be aware that this is a very low traffic forum for the most part, so it might take a day or two for a response. :slight_smile:

You are right of course! thank you

This is how you hide them https://www.tukui.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6545

Just play around with the options there and you should have what you are looking for.

Hope this helps