ElvUI is brilliant!
I’ve been happily using it since Pandaria and love it being so clean and customisable.
ElvUI is brilliant!
I’ve been happily using it since Pandaria and love it being so clean and customisable.
yes i understand how that works. but its more i either dont like something after a little while, find something better, or see someone else’s elvui so i try that out.
its just for some odd reason with that i just change things constantly
I see. That sounds like you problem not ElvUi problem though, lol. Well, I hope you find that perfect UI someday though!
Yeah i know it is lol this wasnt a knock on evlui, well except maybe the dark theme. just more my problem of having to futz with it constantly lol
Have you tried the other one? TukUI? I’ve never used it but I hear is less “emo” looking and has most of the same commodities.