Elune Let Teldrassil burn

So the Night Elf tree city is gone? Like if you mage port there it will just dump you next to the time dragon lady?

I learned just a few minutes ago that the Undercity is gone too.

Is Blizzard going to rebuild/replace them? Or are they gone for good and Blizzard just want to reduce the number of cities.

You can still get to both, as far as I am aware, just have to talk to the dragon NPC you mentioned (at least that’s how it was for Darn in BfA).

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You don’t speak for Elune. Since your a Blood Elf.

If the Void Elves have a plan on attacking Quel’thalas? Let us all know in the Alliance.

Want and need are two different things. I’m sure she didn’t want it, but may have a reason that she needed it to happen.