Elune Let Teldrassil burn

The goddess works in mysterious ways. :laughing:

I love that begging hands, man. They’re so weak.

This is such an overused term these days. Main characters in general have plot armor. It’s the reason they are able to take mass hordes of enemies without getting a single scratch. She isn’t different at all in that regard compared to anyone else.

People seem to have forgotten that there is a war going on at a level so far above our characters that we can hardly comprehend its existence.

Elune is more than likely involved in this war and spending too much power/attention on a group of mortals on one planet out of countless others she is watching over could allow one of her real enemies an edge to tip the war in their favor. This lines up with every other time she has intervened on Azeroth, she empowers her priestess to overcome things they normally can’t or after much effort to get her attention she will take action to solve a problem that is beyond our abilities to combat one of the other cosmic forces.

The most direct action we have ever seen from her is what happened with Ysera in Legion, which was an effort to combat both the Legion and the Void directly and later to help with fighting the evil faction of Death.

I see these threads pop up every few days and it feels like people expect Elune to have just solved every problem that as ever come up because “she’s supposed to be a godly being right?”. If Elune or the Titans or any of the other friendly cosmic powers weren’t busy fighting the other unfriendly cosmic powers we wouldn’t have a game.

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Not to the extent she does. Thanks for your snarky response but I used the term appropriately.

Gul’dan, Varian, Garrosh, ect, Voljin, ect.

All stronger characters, all died well before Sylvanas even though she was seen as being one of the worst most evil characters for literal expansions she somehow just continues to skate by not so much as a flesh wound.

In Varians case he got written out of the game by dying to minor demons, meanwhile Sylvanas solos the lich king and burns Teldrassil with 0 damage to her its a joke.

I mean, it was him verse an army of demons, he was gonna die either way, so how long were we willing to sit there and watch him kill demons? In the end it was a good death and it wasn’t minor demons, it was Gul’dan that killed him.

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Thats not true? The minor demons dealt the blow that wounded him to near death, Gul’dan just finished him at that point.

Why lie about what happened thats so weird, anyone can go back and watch the cinematic and see the minor demon deals the blow that leaves him near death for Gul’dan to finish.

He was already death at that point with or without Gul’dan, you are straight up wrong.

Who is lying? Gul’dan is the one who killed him. There is no evidence that the Fel Guards, made any difference in the eventual outcome other than letting Gul’dan not have to try.

Sits in a bar
From Brunden: So how about another Fred?
From Caveman NPC: Yeeeaaabaaa daabbbaa doooooo!
From Brunden: Barkeep! Two more!


That’s so incredibly stupid, forced, AND contrived that . . . I expect them to go with that just so “pretty ghost lady” can be redeemed . . . uuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.

Elune will be a dungeon boss in an upcoming expac. Probably the easiest boss of said dungeon as well.

At 3 minutes in a minor fel demon pierces him through the heart while Gul’dan literally is sitting back not attacking at all and just laughing.

Can you just watch the video and admit you are wrong? This is really weird of you to try and change what we can see in the video for ourselves.

Can you read what is said and comprehend it?

Gul’dan killed him.

There is nothing that claims in a 1v1 fight Gul’dan wouldn’t have killed him. For all anyone knows the only difference that the fel guards made is they allowed Gul’dan to not have to try.

Umm no, the minor fel demon pierced him through the heart. He was effectively dead at that point on the ground thats why he didn’t attempt to attack Gul’dan(if he had the strength left he would have).

The fel demon killed him, Gul’dan just got the final blow in when he would have bled out either way at that point.

It’s cool though, I can tell you have trouble admitting when you are wrong but that doesn’t change video evidence of what happened.

Would I be a WoW forum user if I didn’t respond with snark?

So the answer is no, you are literally incapable of understanding even basic things.

Yea sure whatever you want to tell yourself, that when a characters pierced through the heart by a minor demon laying on the ground with no strength to continue fighting, you don’t consider that what killed him.

Truly amazing levels of cognitive dissonance.

Yep, in your mind the sword through his heart wasn’t what killed him and theres no convincing you otherwise.

It’s actually amazing to witness from a psychological standpoint, Freud would have a field day with you.

Edit- I remember you now. You were the hunter complaining about Mythic+ and when another hunter suggested you use volley(which you should, its OP in Mythic+) you blew him off and replied with “I do things the way I want”.

Yea, someone really can’t admit to being wrong.

It’s offical! Mortis is Doctor Krieger!

But she wasn’t fighting other cosmic beings at that time. I think it was in Eligy where it is said that elune intervened by making the night elves sleep so they would not feel neither the heat of the fire nor the pain of being burned. If she could do that, why not prevent the burning to begin with?