Elune Alliance Reconnections

Hi everything LEE!

Hi Bresian!
Nice to see you’re still around! :slight_smile:
<3 Grey

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Cithypoo <3

Greylin! <3

Guild - United Order of Virtue
Tsunande NE Warrior
Kakashikun NE Rogue

Quiksilver - Human Paladin
Maranello - NE Priest
Stolicitros - NE Warrior

I am really surprised to see some familiar names posting here. It has been so long that I do not remember much though.

Coming back for a little Classic action I think. But I’m not going down the rabbit hole this time…at least that’s what I am telling myself.

Yes still around and nice to see you as well!

Ok guess I should use my Bresian name… lol but it is nice to see you Greylin!!!

LOL I will be playing with MR on stalagg :slight_smile:

I don’t really remember anyone or what guild I was with, but I used to play a NE rogue named Arkhan on Elune through BC. Like to reconnect with people if they’re still around

Yes sir! :slight_smile:

Atena, NE rogue looking for:
Xelas, NE hunter, we used to level together
Tsorin dwarf warrior, Dlatra NE durid, running tons of pre-raid 5 mans
Ellar Dobluth guild, we killed Ony very early
Aambrea, human mage in Just Crusade guild

Can’t remember any more names from 2004. Good times tho :slight_smile:

Not entirely sure the name of the Guilds I was in back in the day, though I THINK one was called “The Appointed” but I used to run around a LOT with a NE Hunter named Ravenwing and a pally called Tawmis.

NE Rogue Nightbreak here ;D

YO bro, its Freddy. Lot people have retired but i am trying to reform the guild. Planning on classic fun too add me LORDZEQ#1508, dont recall if you are on my list

Moggy! Lyrial and I are gonna be on Pagle, I know Beil and his Damnation friends are on one of the west coast servers. Haven’t heard from many others.

Also for anyone else (I saw Cath post up there too) from UoV/IT/FoW. I know a good portion of the people I played with were west coast, so they’ll probably choose a more sensible time zone this time around.

Sorovar (slashstar) priestinya’s son and myself are planning on playing classic on the rp pvp server Grobbulus as Alliance. or maybe we could join you guys if you are planning on playing Classic somewhere.

Hello, I played a NE Priest named Saelen in the guild Failure.

I was pretty low key, kept to myself so I doubt a lot of folks remember me.

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Character: Dalara(mage)/Triala(priest)
Guilds: Mostly Harmless > Altera Vitae > Desperate Measures
Classic Realm: Pagle


character : khelgarr
guilds: midnight cartel and phenix fury
classic realm: faerlina