Bruce, what’s your disc or bnet?
Bruce, what’s your disc or bnet?
That’s crazy. I knew I recognized your name!
I started Guerrilla with another twink, forgot his name. I think at one point we had the majority of 10-19 twinks on the server in the guild. Some of my fondest WoW memories were of the premade 10-19 groups that ran against each other.
Checking in here, Anti/Antioch from Better Part of Valor. One of the original raid leaders for the group, played from 2004 til right before Wrath. Interesting to see a couple others post about BPoV here, and having no idea who they were.
I’m playing as Edic on Winterseeker currently.
Yep. I remember one of the other main members being a female Dwarf Priest. Can’t remember the name though. Doy, or Dolf or something I think.
Magnus is leveling with us on Pagle. Ping me (Drone) or someone else in Some Like it Hard for an invite.
Hey Somna and everyone else
I played a mage called Aten and raided with Failure through BWL and AQ40. I joined along side some buddies i was in high school with:
Cassezvous and Sylesa
i can remember a bunch more from failure:
Cant believe all the names i remember. I was 15 or 16 back then, just turned 30 last month.
Before Failure i was order of the chicken.
Among many others. Hope you all are well
Hey, I remember all three of you.
Enigma, Geae, Storac, Saelen, and Bane are all on Pagle with us. Alver/Helevorn, Svarts, and Narathol are not playing but we are in touch. Machineman is still on Elune and GM for Failure in retail. A few of us still have characters there.
/wave Medussa!
Kalgalath, Human mage, Horde rapisst. CV where are you?
/wave Hi Kalg. Where’s the Yell macro
Holy cow Kal!! Medussa here! /waveback
WB! The PvP horde incinerator mage of Elune! Good to see ya! I miss your pyroblasts & Fireblasts on bgs and world PvPs! I rolled a retail fire mage cause I really wanted a PvP mage back then aside from my main lock. You’ve been my PvP Mage role model ever since haha.
Anyway, CV is still here. Me, Cydd & Kornax plays regularly on classic and retail. I got sidetracked by other games but Im also leveling my classic undead lock atm. We’re at benediction. Cydd can give you details on our current classic guild, retail horde guild and discord server info (We use Ventrillo back then hehe) And I believe he already replied to you here. /wave Cydd
Anyway, it was great seeing you bud! Good times on PvP back then, good times! Hope to see you online soon!
Just in case
Cydd: gnome warrior king
Celestial Vanguard, Just Crusade, Divine Vengeance
Anyone that remembers me from back in the day!
For classic currently playing on Benediction Horde side PVP server
Retail: Anyone left from CV went to Area 52 guild name Accidental Excellence
I see some names i remember in this thread!
Poe my man ! I miss you. Hit me up. Battletag and such is first post.
I ended up a Fury warrior on Arugal.
If you find yourself here, let me know
Sounds good man, say hi to everyone from me.
I’m living in Australia now and I’ve landed on Alliance Yojamba with a couple people from work. Ultra casual at this point but I may swing by Paegle for a bit.
Hit me up if you make it by. We’re pretty slow / casual ourselves. Most folks are just hitting mid-40’s.
POE! wassup my dude where you playing?
Cob4life#1511 add me brosky
I was in Shining Dagger / Vindi for a while back in Vanilla/BC. I think Vindi is still running . . .
Any of you guys from the 19 twink guild Dead on Arrival or You got neudered