Elitist abuse of casuals

Hahahahahahhaa!!! Omg, that almost made me lose the sip of water I took while reading. You need to put a CAUTION REACTIONS VARY alert tag with your posts. lol

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Yes my son. Join me and follow me to glory. Where meatballs kiss you each morning and there are pasta slides everywhere.


If real life were a game of FF14, the Flying Spaghetti monster would now be a real Primal summoned by the atheists that made him up.

The 10 mins of insulting him or her nonstop on discord lol like honestly if thats not abuse then i don’t know what is.

If it’s a long time guild, they’re probably old school. Old school guilds used to have rules against posting on the forums with a toon that had the guild tag. Some would just say no trolling or bad behavior, others would say no posting at all. That may be their mindset.

I’m guessing you embarrassed the guild, and that is why you were removed. You even said you were “horrified” when they looked at your posting history. If you’re embarrassed for people to see what you posted, you should probably think twice about posting it (especially while on a toon that represents someone’s guild).

As for the people calling everything “bullying,” you do more harm than good. You water down the word making it more difficult for those who are actually being bullied to get heard/helped. One even said report for physical harassment
 like for real? Too many false reports like that will damage the system, and then real reports won’t be taken as seriously. Grow up.

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You were in a bad guild. I know of several guilds that are more casual friendly. Sorry your experience wasn’t a good one.

I’m leaning toward “this never happened” or the guild is right, don’t talk about stuff you have no experience doing.


I agree with that, I would say unless you actually have experienced it I wouldn’t be talking about it as if you were an expert. I’m also not saying don’t have an opinion but it does seem like a fine line between the two with how you conduct your conversation people could take it either way.

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I don’t agree with how the guild handled the situation at all. but why would you post about aspects of the game you have never experienced? Just makes you look like a fool if you ever get found out.

Ok, understanding the anxiousness of talking to a group on total strangers on discord. It can be tough for many.

But 10 minutes of what you say was abusive behavior?

I dont know you, your history or level of confidence, maturity etc. so just take this advice with a grain of salt and the knowledge that I want to help

Do not EVER take a full blown minute of someone verbally harassing you nevermind two people for ten minutes.

Tell them what they can do with their opinions and drop the mic.

You cant reason with unreasonable people, trying will only give YOU grief, not them.

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Tbh I love dealing with people that are irate. I have some stories of them but I’ve never met a karen/feminist like you see in youtube vids or reddit.

Seems legit.

 if you don’t have the ability to read and comprehend the context of a forum post , I’m not sure why you’d be commenting on that forum post

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These are terrible analogies


I think they’re pretty accurate. It boils down to one having no experience with something trying to tell others about said experience. The same applies in WoW. I can’t sit a Glad down and tell him about what it takes to hit Glad when I’ve only been 2.2. Let alone trying to educate them on what it’s supposed to be.


Well I am entitled to relay what Japaense people have told me; apparently the cheese over there sucks.

They are useless in the context of what happens on this forum.

No I think it’s accurate. It’s the situation that’s being used here. Not whether or not we actually talk about Japanese food.


That’s just
 You’re better off without them OP. Crappy people are just crappy.

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I think it is pretty safe to say 90% of the threads made on this forum are just complaints or some sort of spam. There is very very very few instances where people are seeking advise or giving advise.

A whole lot of you seem to live in some alternate reality where you can’t even admit the truth if you saw it, aka the idea that people who haven’t done mythic raiding don’t have the experience to talk about master loot.